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Next morning.

Taehyung's alarm rang.

Y/n woke up, turned off the alarm, and saw the time: it was 7:00 a.m.

So she quietly stood up, left the bathroom, took a shower, got ready, and went towards Taehyung. She saw him sleeping cutely, then pecked his eyes and left to make breakfast.

25 minutes later, she came back to their room to wake him up.

Y/n: Taetae, wake up.

Taehyung squirmed in his sleep but didn't open his eyes. Y/n chuckles silently. She kissed his forehead, then his eyes, his cheeks, his chin, and then his nose. She stopped, and then she heard his deep voice.

Taehyung: I think you forgot here.

He said this, pointing towards his lips.

Y/n: Then go freshen up. You can have that too.

She was about to stand when a gasp left her mouth. Taehyung pulled her and laid her on the bed, hovering over her.

Taehyung: *smirk* Do you think you can run, huh?

Suddenly, a naughty idea came into her mind. She smirked internally. And said fake worriedly.

Y/n: *fake gasp* Taetae? O my God!

Taehyung: *confused* What? What happened?

Y/n: *wide eyes* You have something on your face.

Taehyung: Huh? What? What is it?

He said this while putting his hand on his own face, checking if there was anything.

Y/n: Come, let me show you!

Taehyung: *still confused* Okay?

They stood up, went to the mirror, and stood there, checking themselves. When he found nothing, he asked

Taehyung: *frown* Where? I don't see anything.

Y/n: Look closer; it's there.

She pressed her lips together and tried not to laugh.

Taehyung: Where? And what is it?

Y/n: It's there; it's called handsomeness.

Taehyung took a damn minute to process what she just said. And when he realized it, he laughed his heart out at her techniques.

 And when he realized it, he laughed his heart out at her techniques

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( Just think he's shirtless)

She stood there and admired him. Then Taehyung turned around and held her waist, pulling her closer.

Taehyung: So you think I'm handsome?

Y/n: Of course you are! My handsome husband.

Taehyung was shocked for a second. But he smirked and said,

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