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Y/n: He loved someone else. I've heard once that his parents didn't like her; they said she was a gold digger, so they chose me, and when she heard that his marriage was fixed, she broke up with him. And before you say, why didn't I ask for help from his parents? So hear me; he wouldn't let me meet them. He would always make an excuse.


Y/n: For not letting them meet me at any cost, of course he would be in trouble. His parents were good people. but he wasn't

She sighed, closing her eyes. She took a deep breath, trying not to let it take over. She then opened her eyes, and she was met with those beautiful almond eyes. She could probably be lost in them. They came out of their world when Y/n's phone vibrated, followed by a popping sound indicating a notification.


Moody bitch(Jinsa): Did you get there?

Y/n: Yeah

Moody bitch(Jinsa): How is it going? Is your sister okay?

Y/n: We haven't met her yet because the receptionist said we could only meet at 17:00.

Moody bitch: Aishh, if I were there, I would have shown them the actual time of the meeting😤😒.

Y/n: chuckled at her messages.

Still in the message

Y/n: Yeah, yeah, but you aren't here, so calm down, and now we're going back to the hospital. We came to the restaurant to eat.

Moody bitch:😏😏😏sUrE enjoy.

Y/n: What should I take that as?

Moody bitch: nothing.

Y/n: Yeah, whatever! Byee.

Moody bitch: byee.

Y/n: Taehyung, let's go. it's time.

Taehyung looked at the time and nodded, standing up and calling the waiter to pay, and they started to leave.

Y/n Pov.

My heart is beating so fast, and I'm so scared. They are probably at the hospital. How will I face them? Even though I didn't do anything wrong, I still feel as if it's my fault. What will happen? My hands are shaking badly from being too scared and nervous. Aishhhh, stop shaking. I yelled at myself in my mind. Trying to calm myself, I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself, and then suddenly someone yelled, making me come out of my thoughts. But what I saw made me widen my eyes for a moment. I thought this was my end. But someone pulled me away, yelling.

Taehyung: What the fuck do you think you were doing, Huh?

I looked at him and saw tears. Oh fuckk, I fucked up. Aishh, why do I have to hurt him? I facepalm myself. and said

Y/n: I'm so sorry; I didn't notice where I was going. Please don't cry. Look, I'm totally fine.

Taehyung hugged me tightly, as I would disappear.

Y/n: Taehyung, calm down, please.

Author Pov.

Taehyung looked at her and kissed her roughly this time. Pinning her to their car, she froze in her spot with wide eyes, not expecting the sudden kiss. They pulled away when he didn't feel her kissing back. Y/n was still processing what just happened. Taehyung thought he had done something wrong. Then he said,

Taehyung: Sorry, I didn't want to make you uncomfortable.

She immediately shook her head with a smile on her face, tiptoeing and pecking him. They say, "Actions speak louder than words." Then Taehyung spoke.

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