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Everyone's jaw was on the floor. listening to her, even Taehyung's, he was screaming and jumping from inside and was beyond happy when Y/n called him his husband.


Taehyung: Oh yeah, come sit. I have a plan for how we are supposed to go in front of her family.

They nodded and sat. The next word was listening to Taehyung, and everyone yelled.

Taehyung: MARRY ME.

He got cut off. when everyone yelled.

Everyone: WHAT?

Taehyung: Let me finish.

Taehyung: We can act like married couples in front of Y/n's family; in this way, she can meet them without any problem. What do you say, petal?

Y/n: *shook her head* No, I can't lie to them. If they get to know about this, then the rumors that Bastard spread will automatically come true for them. So, a big no.

Everyone agreed with Y/n and after some time, Taehyung wanted to say something but was hesitant. And Y/n looked at him with a raised eyebrow and said,

Y/n: What is it? Say it!

Taehyung: *took a deep breath* I have another plan, but Petal, please listen to me carefully and don't freak out, please.

Y/n: Taehyung, just say it already!

Taehyung: *gulped nervously* MARRY ME?

Everyone just looks at him in confusion, thinking it's another plan of his.

Jungkook: What do you mean, Hyung?

Jinsa: She already refused that plan.

Layba: What's the plan?

Taehyung was sweating badly.

Jimin: *worried* Huh? Are you okay, Taehyung?

Y/n: *raised an eyebrow with suspicion* You are not serious. Are you Taehyung?

Taehyung: *sighed* I am SERIOUS!

Gasps were heard in the silent room. Y/n stood up, leaving the room. Jinsa was about to follow her, but Taehyung stopped her, saying

Taehyung: Let me talk to her, please?

Jinsa nodded, then Taehyung followed Y/n, who was now sitting on the cold floor of her room, staring blankly at the ceiling.

Taehyung sighed, looking at her. Taking a deep breath, he entered, closing the door behind him, and went toward her, making her stand up and making her sit on the bed. Sitting in front of her, she just looked at him with a blank face.

Taehyung: Petal? say something!

Y/n still had a blank face, not saying anything.

Taehyung: I know it's hard for you when you went through so much in your past. Even thinking about marriage probably makes you scared. But trust me, as I already said, I will not do anything that is against your will. After marriage, you'll have every right you want, baby. Anything and everything you want; if you want to leave me, I will let you go, but

Y/n: but?

Taehyung: *pained voice* But with a valid reason. For example, if you fall i-in l-love with someone else, then I will let you go, and I promise to find out every detail about him by myself, and if he is a good person, I will let you go.

Y/n: *annoyed* Are you done?

Taehyung nodded his head, not knowing the reason behind Y/n's annoyed face. Then Y/n said

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