1 - The Moon Is Broken

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This really was supposed to be an easy mission. She was supposed to be investigating a warehouse that housed a hidden supply of radianite for the protocol. An alarm had been tripped not even 24 hours ago. Brimestone had decided the best course of action would be to send an agent out immediately to scout what was going on. If that supply fell into the hands of Omega Earth, then they would be in massive trouble.

So now it comes to the current situation.

Fade cursed as a wave of fire passed right by her forcing her to close her eyes. The heat almost made her want to scream. Almost. Luckily, she had a bit more pride than that. Gripping her Phantom tightly, she risked pointing it towards the enemy below, only to be met with a spray of bullets. She ducked back down in time, but one unlucky bullet managed to hit the barrel of her weapon and practically exploded it. Another string of foreign curses left her mouth and she angrily slammed down her now useless gun.

"Ready to give up now, Alpha? If you just let us go on our way with this radianite, then I won't have to put a bullet in that head of yours." Omega Phoenix shouted up at her.

Fade already didn't like the regular Phoenix, so this one did not help that. But now that she was without a weapon, she knew she only had two options left. Either call on Nightmare, or risk the lives of her Pokemon. Neither of those options were favorable, but at this point, she needed a way out. She sighed, and grabbed one of the pokeballs that were attached to her belt. With a bright flash of light, her Banette now stood in front of her. Fade already had a plan in mind, and it all came down to one thing.

"We don't have time. Remember your training sequence, Banette? Shadow Sneak. Imprison. Trick Room. I'll handle the rest from there. Tamam mı?" She said.

The Pokémon nodded obediently, and closed its eyes. It's form began to melt into the ground beneath it before disappearing altogether. Now that that was take care of, all Fade had to do was wait for the opening, and pray that her training with Banette wouldn't get the poor Pokemon killed.

"Y'know, I'm getting real bored down here! If you don't come to me then I guess I just gotta blow this place- What the-?!" The Omega agents rambling was short lived.

Fade could make out the sound of Trick Room being cast, and she took that as her cue. Letting her eyes close, and her Radiance seep out, she conjured the creature in front of her. She could feel the pull from it. It wanted to run and pounce. It wanted to tear into Omega Phoenix. It wanted to see him suffer. And she was ready to let it.

This wasn't her Prowler. No. This was far worse.

"Nightmare. Feast." She whispered.

With that command in the air, the creature roared in such a sickeningly awful tone that Fade swore she heard the fear from below spike a little more. Well, it didn't matter in the end. With her eyes still closed, the only thing she could hear was the agonizing screams and cries of the Duelist below. She could feel the satisfaction from Nightmare, that allowed a sadistic smile to make its way onto her face. Another minute or so passed, and the screams went silent.

Fade opened her eyes, and glanced over the railing. Sure enough, Omega Phoenix was twitching and seizing on the ground, with shadows pouring out of every orifice on his face. The only sounds he made were soft whimpers, and choked gasps. She sighed in relief, and grabbed the edge of the railing. She climbed over the edge and began lowering herself to the ground.

The reason she was even up there in the first place was because she had entered from the roof. That was also why Omega Phoenix had to play the waiting game with her, cause he couldn't get up there himself.

She let go of the railing, and allowed her feet to hit the ground with a soft thump. Trick Room had long since dissipated by now, and Banette was now walking back towards her. She gave the pokemon a faint smile, which was specifically reserved for her pokemon and not a single other being. She approached Omega Phoenix, and grabbed the Vandal that had fallen from his hand. After a quick check, she didn't waste a single second before placing the barrel against his head and painting the floor with his blood.

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