20 - Just Act Casual

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[3 Days Later]

"Mega evolution? That sounds like it's fake, man. And what's with all these colorful rocks? Did you buy these at some kind of crystal shops clearance sale?" Phoenix said, looking over the scattered stones.

Fade was also confused by the mention of 'mega evolution'. She's heard the term before, but she had assumed it was something made up by people who wanted to make more money. She gazed upon the different stones scattered around the table. Each had their own unique pattern and colors. They were different from the one on the weird band that Chamber had given each of them.

And that led to the second thing she was confused about. There was a good handful of agents in this meeting room, and it seemed like a rather random group.

Her, Neon, Phoenix, Yoru, Reyna, Sage, Sova, Viper, and Omen.

"I don't mean to sound rude, Chamber. But is there a reason you called us all here to look at these? And what are the bracelets for?" Sage asked, gesturing towards said object in her hand.

"I'm quite glad you asked, ma chérie. What you see here on the table are what's known as 'mega evolution stones'. A certain stone that reacts almost like a regular evolution stone when activated on a specific type of pokemon each. It transforms the pokemon into a form that is devastatingly powerful. However, it is only a temporary transformation each time." The French man explained, turning over one of the stones in his hand.

Fade frowned. She was already against the existence of evolution stones. They were objects that forced a pokemon into its next stage of life, usually before it was ready and most likely caused them a deal of trauma in the process. Which was why they were illegal in most countries. But she didn't know the regulations on 'mega' evolution stones. Would it be better since the transformation was temporary? Or worse?

"How do we know that this isn't one of your fancy tricks? I've heard of mega evolution before, but I've never seen it in practice. Do you have anything to prove you aren't lying." Viper asked, crossing her arms.

"I'm hurt, my beloved Viper! How can you not trust my word after so much time together?" Chamber exclaimed, ignoring the glare he got in return. "But I can give a demonstration. But I'll need a compatible pokemon since none of my own qualify."

Immediately, multiple people in the room stepped backwards, not willing to let their own pokemon be a sacrificial lamb. But to everyone's surprise, Sova took a step forward.

"Do I have your word that this will not cause them harm, Chamber?" The Russian man asked.

"You have my word, mon ami. No harm will come to your pokemon. The transformation for your Altaria is completely painless." Chamber said, being strangely specific with his wording.

The man then turned to the table of stones and glanced over each one. He then reached out and picked up a pink stone that had yellow and blue streaks in it. He held out a hand for Sovas band, and the older man readily handed it over. Chamber turned the band over and clipped the stone to the empty slot on the opposite side of the accessory, then handed it back to Sova.

"You said this only worked on Altaria, yes?" The blonde man asked to confirm.

Chamber nodded and took a few steps away. Sova pulled out a pokeball, which was covered in similar scratches and blemishes such as the previous ones. He released the pokemon inside, and his Altaria let out a beautiful noise as it raised its cloud-covered wings up.

"Hello, красивый. Will you allow me to try something?" Sova said to the pokemon, holding out the band towards it.

The Altaria moved forward and looked over the object, and even nudged it with its beak. But it soon gave an airy chirp, and another flap of its wings before settling down. It straightened itself up, seemingly trying to convey that it was ready for whatever was to come.

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