23 - Now You See Me

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[4:13 PM]

"You're okay, right? You're sure you're fine? I didn't tie it too tightly, did I?" Neon asked.

"I'm fine, Tala. I promise." Fade responded. "Really the only thing I'm worried about is it getting infected. Cause that fence wasn't in the best shape."

Currently, they were in the female bathroom of a convenience store, and it was taking all of Neons willpower to keep her eyes on the bandages rather than Fades shirtless body. The entire time she was wrapping the bandage, her face had yet to cool down. She was still completely red, even now. Her eyes darted back and forth as she watched Fade pull the new black long-sleeved shirt over her head, grunting due to having to move her injured shoulder. Then the woman gave her a side glance.

"You know....you're pretty red there, tatlım. Are you sick? Or maybe..."

Neon gulped as Fade took a step towards her, and gently cupped her face with her hand.

"...do you see something you like?" Fade whispered, voice husky and low.

The dream seer yanked herself back just in time to dodge the volts of lightning that jumped from Neons skin, and instead hit the conductor plates on her face. If Neon wasn't so flustered, she would've scolded the girl for doing something like that while knowing it would set off her Radiance. But one look in Fades eyes made any lingering annoyance die out. The unfiltered admiration and affection in her gaze, along with slight concern...it was mesmerizing.

Unfortunately, their moment was broken by a pounding on the door.

"How long does it take to bandage a fucking shoulder?! Your electric demon is rampaging around the place, Neon. If you don't come grab him soon then we're gonna get kicked out." Jett called from the other side before there was a brief pause. "Are you alive in there, chingu?? Did she hurt you?"

Neon glanced over at Fade, who had a frown on her face as she pulled her vest back on with minimal struggle. The speedster turned and basically flung the bathroom door open, nearly hitting Jett in the process.

"Whoa!! Watch it!!" Her best friend said.

"Pasensya na! Now where is Spurky?!" Neon asked, exiting the bathroom and looking around frantically.

Luckily, she didn't have to wait too long until she was rammed into by a familiar green creature. She fell backwards, and braced herself for hitting the ground by holding one arm out behind her and one arm clutching Electrike to her chest.. But a strong arm prevented this outcome. She blinked when she realized she wasn't on the ground, and looked over to see who caught her. She was met with Fades beautiful heterochromic gaze looking back at her.

"Your partner seems happy to see you again. Maybe we were in there for a bit too long." Fade said with an apologetic smile.

Neon couldn't not, for the life of her, form a comprehendible sentence. She sputtered out a few jumbled words as she straightened herself up, careful not to dropped the excited pokemon in her arms.

"Wow. I'm literally standing right here. And you guys just-...you know what nevermind. What the hell are we doing now?" Jett said, turning her attention back towards Fade. "I assume the arm is taken care of."

"Yes. And the drop off time isn't till midnight, so I was going to suggest that everyone goes out and does their own things and enjoy this...well it is a prime vacation spot. I already handed everyone a hundred from the five hundred dollars Brimstone gave me, so you can get what you want as long as you don't make a scene." Fade said, glancing further into the store.

Before Jett could say anything else, Fade tossed Phoenix's jacket towards her, which she caught with ease.

"What-...you're seriously going to just let us go...have fun...on a mission? Since when were you the type to do anything fun?" The girl asked, incredulously.

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