#2 settling in

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I woke up from a very deep sleep by the pilot, saying 10 minutes until we arrive in Los Angeles!! I thought to myself I'm gonna see my brothers. Holy shit like really soon.

⚠️mean texts, SH. please don't read, if sensitive to any of this⚠️

I got off the plate exhausted from my journey. I don't even know how long the flight was. All I cared about was seeing my brothers. I couldn't find my suitcases anywhere I started panicking palms, getting sweaty. My heart started to skip a beat my breathing getting patchy then all of a sudden I heard. " Y/N " I turned around expecting my brothers and of course I was right! I ran over as fast as I could hugging them all three missing their smell (not to be creepy💀) "I missed you guys so much!!!!" I said, almost out of breath. I almost felt like Matt knew I was anxious right before I got into their hug. Damn, that boy really knows everything. " We missed you so much too y/n! " nick said softly " I need help I can't find my suitcases" I said, worriedly " it's OK y/n we can help you find them" Chris said calmly that really helped me. I knew I could trust them.


We pulled up to their house. Holy shit I thought to myself it's humongous. It's modern but not too modern. It looks cosy and fun. "come on y/n let's go"
Nick said. I was too distracted, staring at the huge house that I didn't even realize they were telling me to go or that the car had stopped. " YYY/NNN stop fucking daydreaming, you moron" Chris said childish. God, I love him so much. "Okay okay!" I said with a soft smile. Matt unlock the door we walked in together. I did a whole 360 of the house. It was so cosy I knew I was gonna like it here!! "Anyways y/n we should probably show you your room and let you get settled in" Matt said softly I really love how he always spoke to me like that, it made me feel relaxed, safe, and most of all loved

Chris ran upstairs with me. We walked down the hall and he showed me my room. It was right across from mats. YES I thought to myself. When we lived in Boston together, if I ever had trouble sleeping, I would always sneak into Matt's room and lie with him. He wouldn't mind it. He always made me feel safe like that. I want to say me and Chris fight the most but in a sibling way lol. We never really gotten into arguments and if we ever did, it would be three of them against me. I don't know why when we got into arguments it was like a 3 v 1 but I absolutely hated getting into arguments with them. It breaks my heart every time.

ANYWAYS I jumped on my bed Chris closed the door and let me settle in. I started unpacking all my stuff they already had decorated the room a little, which I LOVED luckily, my room had its own washroom. Matt's was in the hall. Chris and Nick had their own bathrooms in their bedroom just like  me.

I went downstairs after unpacking, because I was starving AF. Matt and Chris were in their room. Nick was sitting on the couch watching TikTok. I'm assuming probably Watch edits of himself I mean I don't blame him I do the same thing 🤣. "Nickkkkkkkkyyyyyyy" I said "Whattttt" he said jokingly "I'm starvingg" I whined to him "y/nnn stop whining and then maybe I'll make you some food" he said half joking " I opened up the fridge, and only saw Pepsi UGH I thought to myself I liked soda and all but it wasn't my favorite. i'd rather have water. " do you want me to make you some mac & cheese ??" Nick said knowing that was my favourite
"YES PLEASE NICKY LOVE YOUU" I said, in a loving and laughing way

TIME SKIP 1 WEEK LATER ( I'm sorry I'm so lazyyyy😭😭)

The first week of LA was so awesome. It was the best week ever until I started posting on Instagram more. And then I got all these hate comments and DMs saying I should kill myself I'm fat and ugly. I tried not to let it bother me, but every time I saw those comments, I sobbed it into my pillow. I didn't want any of my brothers to find out. I wouldn't want to ruin it for them because if they found out I was crying every night I wouldn't want them to feel bad for me. Because they already do so much for me and I'd feel terrible if I came to them crying because of that.

But one day it got so bad.

I was laying on my bed scrolling through Instagram a DM popped up it read "I'm going to rape you until you can't breathe and you will not be able to get any help from anyone bc ur a helpless little slut and uses ur brothers for fame" (THAT IS FAKE ITS FOR THE STORY PPL) oh my god hot tears started streaming down my face I was scared I don't know what to do. I couldn't help but start BAWLING my eyes out. The only thing I could think of was hurting Myself. But I was 1 year clean. Fuck it I ran to the bathroom with my phone and locked the door.

I grabbed the blade I had out of the back of my phone. I couldn't stop
"Your ugly no one likes you your worthless your fat you don't deserve to live your brothers hate you so much" all those negative thoughts running through my head, I couldn't stop
1...2.3...4..5..9..12....20..25 I stopped when all of a sudden I heard a faint knock at the door "y/n???? Let me in right now are you okay???" I couldn't open the door. There was blood all over my shirt and white sweatpants. It was on the floor as well. I couldn't make out if it was Nick, Chris, or Matt. I couldn't tell because I was having a fucking panic attack at the same time. I just close my eyes and wanted it to be over. All of a sudden, I heard the lock being picked. SHIT, holy fuck I prepared myself on what they're gonna see when they walk in I was too weak to do anything, so I just sat there still crying. Everything hurt my head my arm, it felt like my thoughts hurt as well.


I knocked lightly on y/ns bathroom door. The reason is I heard her bawling her eyes out and slamming the door behind her. At this point I was kind of worried.
"Y/n??? Let me in right now are you okay???" I said
Worriedly but tried to stay calm. No Awnser. I rushed to Chris and Nick's room to get them. I ran into Chris's room and said. "Y/n is BAWLING her eyes out, she locked herself in the bathroom" I said trying to sound strong, but inside I was so scared for her "k I'll get Nick" said Chris leaping up from out of his bed. I got a lock pic I had when I was younger. I brought it everywhere I use that to open y/n door and I walked in


Matt swang open the door, Chris and Nick following carefully behind them. I looked up at Matt. I felt defeated I was clean for at least a year. All that work went down the drain cause I fucking get hate comments and DM's my brothers all knew I used to SH back in Boston and they knew I was clean for a year. They were so proud of me. I was so scared they were gonna hate me just cause I broke my record.
"I'm s- sor-ry" barely even being able to get a word out because how panicked I was they quickly sat down next to me, trying to help me calm down and steady my breathing. It helped so much. He gave me a huge hug while Chris and Nick sat right next to me the whole time. I fucking love my brothers " you don't have to be sorry y/n your okay your safe with us"  he calmly said


I could feel her breathing and heartbreak get more steady we helped her clean up the cuts as she wailed in pain. It was so hard for me to watch but we had to make sure they didn't get infected. I feel so fucking bad for her. She doesn't deserve it. I'm not sure what exactly made her do this but right now she just needs to get good night sleep and we will talk about it in the morning


Now, for the worst part. I had to clean up my cuts. I had to do it every time even when no one knew. But this time, Nick, Matt, Chris helped me. Nick cleaned them while Chris had to hold my arm down because I flinched every time Nick came close with a cloth and Matt was there to help me with my breathing, it wasn't as bad as I thought though which I'm glad of. After that, I'm pretty sure I frustrate asleep because all I remember was Chris caring me in into my bed and then shutting the door after. I love them what would I do without them?

A/n Heyy guys!! sorry for the long chapter. I just couldn't stop r
Writing 😭I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you so much for reading! This is kind of a cliffhanger ha ha I will probably post another chapter tomorrow!

Daily reminder to stay hydrated, need a lot of yummy healthy food if you haven't already💗

-1690 words

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