Chapter 18: The trial

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I woke up in a dark room with no recollection of how I got there. I felt woozy and disoriented. It was like I'd been completely drained of energy. When I went to try and stand, I was only able to move a small distance before the sound of clanking chains prevented me from going further. I looked behind me and saw a single cuff locked around my left arm that was connected to the wall just above the small cot that I'd woken up on. It suddenly dawned on me where I was. Looking straight ahead, I saw a wall of iron bars preventing me from leaving. Not that I could, seeing as how I was currently chained to the wall. I tugged on the chain, hoping it would break even though I knew it wouldn't. I soon became aware of the dank and damp environment of the cell. It was a far cry from luxury, but considering what I was, I'd do well not to expect any kind of good treatment for the foreseeable future.

I sat back down on the cot and leaned against the wall. Everything was a blur with only bits and pieces making sense. I vaguely remembered transforming and sealing the hole in Trost after Pyxis addressed the combined forces of the garrison and scout regiments. The last thing I remembered before I woke up here was Mikasa supporting my body as the fatigue from carrying the boulder hit me. She had seemed so relieved just being in my presence, but that was likely because she had thought I was dead for god knows how long. Either way, I appreciated her willingness to help me feel comfortable after such a straining ordeal. I would have to thank her the first chance I got. I also wanted to talk to Eren most of all. They likely had a mountain of questions for me, but I had no idea how or if I would answer them because, at present, they knew as much as I did. I had no idea how this ability came into my possession or who gave it to me, but I knew it was a gift. If I somehow managed to evade execution by the government, I would use this new ability to further the agenda of the scouts.

???: Ah, you're finally awake.

The voice jolted me out of my daydream as I was suddenly thrust back into reality. I looked ahead and saw two people standing outside my cell. The commander was sitting in a small wooden chair while the captain stood next to him.

Erwin: How do you feel Y/n? Any pain or discomfort?

Y/n: I feel fine.

Erwin: That's good. It appears you possess all the usual Titan attributes along with the ability to transform.

Y/n: Where am I?

Erwin: You are currently in the basement of the military installation of Stohess District. Your trial will be held here tomorrow morning.

Y/n: How long was I out for?

Levi: Around three days. Carrying that boulder took a lot more out of you than we thought it would.

Y/n: Well, it was a pretty big use of this ability after I only just found out about it. I can't imagine carrying that much weight that soon was a good idea.

Erwin: That is very likely, but you succeeded in winning the first battle against the Titans. You have no doubt won yourself a very good amount of favor with the council. I'd say your chances of survival exceed eighty percent.

Y/n: Let's hope so.

Levi: You don't seem too concerned.

Y/n: I've accepted that my life may be cut short soon. I don't expect to be given special treatment just because I managed to seal the wall in Trost. Quite honestly, I don't think I'll have many on my side either.

Erwin: You have us and a few of the Cadets as well. That should be enough.

Y/n: Which cadets?

Erwin: Eren Yeager, Armin Arlert, and Mikasa Ackerman.

Y/n: Figures. Are they being ordered to appear as witnesses?

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