Hotel of Horrors

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Nobara: So you're 17 Huh? I'm 16.

Y/N: And you're training to be a Jujutsu sorcerer in Tokyo Eh? That's pretty neat.

Nobara: From what I've heard you should be a sorcerer. Not everyone can sense things you can.

Y/N: The sorcerers always call bullshit though cause I have no cursed energy. But I ain't lying. I can see things others can't. Even sorcerers can't see them either unless they show themselves.

Nobara: Hmm...well if we get out of this shithole, might as well introduce you to Gojo Sensei. He'll like you.

Y/N: He seems like an alright guy.

Nobara: Annoying as fuck along with my teammates.


Nobara: *sigh* The Biwa girl is outside isn't she?

Y/N: Yeah.


Nobara opens the door and throws the spirit into the room before she and Y/N sprint to the elevator and they punch the button as fast as they could.

Nobara/Y/N: CMON YOU STUPID ############### CMON!



Y/N: Seriously? Another maze?

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Y/N: Seriously? Another maze?

Nobara:....There's definitely one of those creatures patrolling these parts isn't there?

Y/N: And there's a certain path they don't patrol either. We're here, so we are going straight and then left, right, and left. Here, we should be able to know if a monster is approaching or not.

Nobara: And what if they spot us?

Y/N: Sprint right, right, left all the way down to the 2nd 4 way intersection, left, and right to the end of the hallway and right again to the end. Stay close to the intersection cause we need to know if we have time to run, and if we have the chance, right to the other end, right, and left and right to the elevator.

Nobara: Your call.

A faint noise was heard, though it was very far away as they head their way.




They made a series of turns, and quickly approached an intersection.

Nobara: Shhhh....

Y/N:...............We're good.





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