Chapter 26: The Will to Fight

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Last Time: The day of the first event of the Founders Festival arrived and Elizabeth found herself at Agatha's early that morning. The two witches had a pleasant conversation as the students shared her fears over the coming events of the day while AGatha reassured her. Later that day at lunch, Elizabeth spoke with her friends and sister before being pulled away for the arrival of the guests. In the room they were supposed to be arriving at, Elizabeth thanked Sebastian once again for helping her to gain permission for her parents to visit. While they spoke they were interrupted by Natty approaching with her mother and Amali, the woman she had invited as her guest. After a short conversation where Elizabeth and Natty agreed to be more careful this year, their attention was diverted by shout only to find Headmaster Black accosting Elizabeth's parents while Madeline Dagworth defended them. AFter Elizabeth approached, Black finally acquiesced and stopped trying to kick her parents away when Sebastian stepped in to inform that they were his guests witht he backing of Vice Headmistress Weasley. Once Black excused himself and Sebastian introduced himself to her parents, their revelry was cut short when the fireplace flared once more and Callista greeted them.

***Trigger Warnings*** Violence, Emotional Manipulation.


It took every ounce of mental strength Elizabeth held within to keep her breathing relatively steady even as she shook in both of her parents' arms while staring forward at the people who had abandoned her all those years ago. Dealing with Callista at school was never easy; but seeing all of the Greys now gathered in one place was overwhelming despite the witch having tried her best to prepare herself mentally during the past few days. It was almost as if her mind were returned back to that alley as a defenceless child at the sight of them all in one place; leaving in her a state of fear and shock. "Callista..." Was all the ravenclaw managed to squeak as she stared with frightened violet eyes at the woman who haunted her dreams and her family.

While Elizabeth felt the arms wrapped around her comfortingly squeeze her tighter; the raven haired woman wore a sad and disappointed look. "Oh dear, I had hoped that by now you would finally be able to call me mother again. It saddens me greatly that you won't accept the love I hold for you, my dear daughter." Callista sniffled while raising a hand up to wipe the fake tears from her eyes as she acted the role of a mother full of sorrow well. Smiling softly, the woman raked her flickering eyes over the ravenclaw's muggle parents and Mrs. Dagworth. "Oh, my apologies. It seems in my haste to greet Elizabeth I have neglected the proper order of things." The older witch smiled so pleasantly that Elizabeth felt like throwing up as she retreated further into the embrace of her parents.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I work here as a professor currently, so if you need any guidance please ask for Callista Grey." The dark haired professor gestured to the tall man with broad shoulders, a bushy yet greying auburn beard with matching well kept hair, and a light olive complexion just like Elizabeth's. "This is my Husband Magnus and our other children Emery and Morrigan. I do hope we can all get along for Elizabeth's sake." Callista gestured towards Emery and Morrigan as the elder sibling gave a light yet respectful bow of his head while Morrigan's crimson eyes widened as the girl moved to hide herself behind her brother's leg while staring curiously at her older sister. In spite of the fear and discomfort she was feeling at being near the Greys with her parents; Elizabeth couldn't take her eyes off of the young child either as curious crimson peered into conflicted violet. So this was the sister she had never known... The child whose imminent birth had signalled the end of Elizabeth's former life years ago.

Elizabeth's attention was soon brought back to Callista however as the older witch soon clapped her hands in front of herself with a grin. "And you must be the muggles who have been raising our daughter since she was taken from us. How fortunate that Elizabeth was taken in by people who seem to have such big hearts. It must have been difficult meeting her needs with your... situation. But, in the end it is thanks to you my sweet daughter was able to return to us here. So, thank you for that. We owe you a gratitude for managing to support her, even in such a difficult environment." The sickly sweet smile Callista flashed her parents at that statement only made Elizabeth's stomach churn further. "But don't worry; you no longer have to do so alone. We will help provide what Elizabeth really needs from now on."

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