Chapter 23: Amato Animo Animato Animagus

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Last Time: Elizabeth practised the use of her ancient magic in the Undercroft while under the tutelage of Isidora's portrait while Anne focused on feeling the well of magic which had begun developing within her. Despite Anne's frustrations with the slow process, the other witches assured her it was the safest method until they understood more about what had happened to her. Elizabeth had to leave soon after to make it to her appointment with the specialist Blainey's father had recommended. In the Nurse's office Lizzy met the specialist and was shocked to discover it was none other than her former governess; Lilandra Astoria. The two spoke for several hours about some of the problems Lizzy faced mentally. Eventually they parted ways after agreeing to continue meeting and that Lilandra would bring medication for her in the future. That night Callista returned after being absent for multiple weeks and the first event was announced to the challenge of Godric Gryffindor. When the dark skies of the enchanted ceiling showed signs of a thunderstorm; Poppy and Lizzy left the Great Hall to finish their Animagus ritual. After separating a short ways for safety, Lizzy downed her potion and said the incantation before exuding dark flame.


Elizabeth tossed her head back to scream, yet rather than the expected sound all that issued from her throat was a torrent of dark flame. In a panic the teen looked down at her hands and watched as her dark veins began to char and blacken the skin covering them until finally they cracked open to reveal the same ebon fire that had darkened them in the first place the year prior. With each second that passed the ravenclaw felt her resolve breaking as her growing fear that something had gone terribly wrong started to overtake her. What if they had created the potions improperly? Was Poppy going through the same ordeal right now all because Elizabeth had pressed the witch she loved to join her in this ritual?

As her breathing spiked rapidly and she burned intensely yet without the expected level of pain; Elizabeth felt hands on her shoulders. "Focus. We can control this like we have in the past. There has to be a reason it is flaring now." The auburn haired teen turned her head to see the phantom version of herself staring at her with piercing violet eyes set in pools of inky black. "Don't think about Poppy right now, focus on us. This has to be happening because of what we contain within us. Poppy will be fine." Elizabeth wanted to believe the other her when they told her this wasn't happening to Poppy, yet how could they know that for a fact? "We have been monitoring our condition for some time. This is because of us, not a mistake with the ritual. Now focus. Breathe and try to harness the energies within us rather than fighting or fearing them. They are a part of us now just like everything else." The phantom insisted.

Elizabeth closed her eyes, her breathing still uncontrolled as her heart beat in her chest like a war drum. "I can't-" She gasped only for the phantom to squeeze her shoulders more tightly. "We can do this. Now focus. Feel that well deep within that has been changed by the energies of our spell. It wants to consume, to enhance and deepen itself. Use that desire to control and take hold of the flames. Let them truly become one with us and create something new. That is how we survive this." The phantom pleaded with her, a hint of desperation in their voice. With her violet eyes still closed; the teen did as she was instructed and retreated into her library to find the rows upon rows of shelves up in dark flames while the violet storm above which she had come to see as the representation of her magic lashed out at the flames.

"This is madness..." Elizabeth whispered to herself as she looked upon the scene at hand with a mix of awe and horror. "Yes, and it will consume us if we don't do something soon." The phantom spoke from beside her. "There is no turning back. All we can do is move forward with what we have. We can do this together." Elizabeth listened and gave a tight nod as she resolved herself. They were right. There was no turning back; there never had been. All of their choices up to this point had led them here just as they would continue to lead them forward in the future.

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