Chapter 19: New Prison

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Several hours later, I found myself riding through the forest flanked by my squad. Levi rode in front of us, silent as always, while the others occasionally glanced in my direction.

Y/n: You guys gonna say something or keep staring?

Oluo: What do you want us to say?

Y/n: Anything. You're staring at me like I'm someone else.

Gunther: That isnt too far off.

Y/n: What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Oluo: You're a Titan. We're being forced to guard you because the commander seems to think you'll be the one who can seal Wall Maria.

Y/n: And that's bad because...

Gunther: You kept this side of yourself hidden. That in and of itself is suspicious.

Y/n: I can't believe this. I've served humanity for a year alongside you but the second I turn into a Titan, after being eaten alive might I add, suddenly I'm the enemy? Hypocrites, the lot of you.

Petra: That isn't fair Y/n.

Y/n: Who are you to talk about fair? Gunther and Oluo pretty much summed up what you're all feeling, right? That I can't be trusted anymore? That I could turn on you at any moment? Tell me I'm wrong.

Petra looked down, confirming what I already knew. They didn't trust me anymore.

Y/n: That's what I thought. I guess a year's worth of service doesn't mean a thing. We fought and bled together but the second this came to light, you turned on me. So much for the camaraderie we've built up.

Eld: That isn't true and you know it. We're just being cautious, that's all.

Y/n: Keep telling yourself that.

Levi: Zip it, all of you. I don't want to hear another word unless it isn't related to Y/n and his Titan abilities. Is that clear?

Levi Squad: Yes Captain.

Levi: Good.

-1 hour later-

After another hour of silence, we arrived. I had seen it bursting through the treetops but now we were outside of the place that would serve as my holding cell. It was a medium-sized castle with a single large gate at the entrance.

 It was a medium-sized castle with a single large gate at the entrance

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Y/n: So this is my new prison.

Levi: Yes. Now, the first order of business is to clean it...thoroughly.

We worked together to open the gate. The sight beyond was horrific. Masses of weeds, overgrown grass, and an unchecked main path.

Y/n: Jesus, this place is a dump.

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