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im bored TT please share some ideas 🙏😭

fluff <3


just a short one shot lmao

chapter #2: strawberries

"taehyun- why do you love strawberries so much? you know how much i hate them," beomgyu asks his boyfriend. they were currently cuddling in the older male's bed, too lazy and comfortable to get up and do anything.

"why do i have to hate what you hate? theyre just poor innocent fruits that taste good~" taehyun whined, playing with strands of beomgyu's hair as he pouted. beomgyu thought that he sounded adorable, especially when he was whiny about something.

"i never said that~ i just asked why you like them so much," beomgyu giggled.

"well, i already told youuuu! they taste good!" taehyun put his head on beomgyus shoulder, his arms wrapped around the older's waist. his lower lip was jutted out in an adorable pout, his bleached hair falling over his eyes while he took glances at beomgyu- who kept giggling at his behavior.

"but theyre so sour! yuck, i get disgusted just by the thought of eating one." beomgyu grimaced, looking over his left shoulder to see taehyuns head laying on it while the younger male stared at him with stars in his doe eyes. he chuckled and pecked his lips before turning back to stare at his (and taehyuns) drawing-filled wall. most of them were drawn by beomgyu, and some of them were by taehyun. on a few of beomgyus pieces, taehyun had helped him draw the easier parts. they were signed and everything, so you could tell whos was whos.

"stop being mean to the strawberries, you disrespectful man~!!" taehyun removed his head from beomgyus shoulder and started lightly hitting it instead, leaving beomgyu in a giggling fit.

"strawberries have feelings too, you know?!" taehyun scolded the older, puffing his cheeks out with a small, 'humph!' before he stopped hitting beomgyu.

"alright, alright~ i apologize for being rude and disrespecting the strawberries~" the brunette apologized, lightly grabbing taehyuns hips so that the blond-ish haired male could straddle him. taehyun immediately wrapped his legs around beomgyus waist and dragged his arms around his nape, hugging beomgyu like a koala. he nuzzled his nose into the crook of the older male's neck, inhaling beomgyus scent before smiling silently.

some time passed and taehyun could feel his eyelids getting heavier and heavier, his eyes soon closing. the last thing he heard was beomgyu whisper, "goodnight, hyun." before falling asleep, escaping into neverland.


this was short, and i apologize!

thank you for reading!

(ps, i never write fluff so this was an awesome experience for me <3)

-angela ><

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