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please dont be a silent reader, id love to interact with people reading my book! but of course, its always your choice! i hope i dont seem rude or anything :(

(mentions of bullying, please skip this oneshot if youre uncomfortable with the topic! its only a small paragraph though)

(ps, long chapter ahead!)

fluff <3


choi beomgyu was just an ordinary kid.. apart from the fact that he cant feel emotions.

yep, you heard (read) that right!

thought it may seem like a cool thing, its the reason beomgyu doesnt have any friends. he doesnt tell people about his condition, so when theyre friends with him, theyll give him things and he wont show emotion- because he cant. they think hes selfish and is unhappy with everything.

maybe its something sad like their cat died or whatnot, and deep down (stream deep down btw), beomgyu does feel bad for them, he just isnt sad.. because he cant be. he cant be sad, happy, disgusted. he cant feel anything.

even the feeling of love.

but thats changing right here, right now!


obviously, its because a new kid popped up into beomgyus classroom, and his name is kang taehyun.

chapter #3: how to love

"hello and goodmorning, my wonderful students!" beomgyus cheerful teacher greeted his students good morning, smiling form ear to ear. the brunette sighed, 'another day of feeling like an outcast..'

"today, we have a new student!" everyones eyes lit up and beomgyu could hear the girls squealing and gushing about how they wanted it to be a hot and cute male so that they could get into his pants or something. all the boys just wanted a new friend. (every boy in beomgyus class were friends with each other, apart from beomgyu himself. they didnt even want to be his friend.)

thats when he walked in.

beomgyus eyes went wide and his mouth was agape. the girls had gotten lucky this time. the brunette closed his mouth before he could start drooling, gulping hard and following the new student with his eyes while he walked up to the front.

"please, introduce yourself!" the teacher smiled and the girls started screaming.

"hello, im kang taehyun." his voice was soft, and a much higher pitch than beomgyu expected when he first layed eyes on the beauty. his mouth unconsciously opened a bit again, but he quickly shut it with his own hand.

"nice to meet you, taehyun! im professor jung!" they shook hands. taehyuns smile was so bright.. if only beomgyu could feel like that, all happy and smiling.

"you can go sit by.." their teacher scanned the room for an empty seat. "ah yes, beomgyu! please raise your hand."

the brunette was quick to it, his hand already in the air in less than three seconds.

he gulped when he saw taehyun walking up to him and taking a seat beside him, giving him a small wave and a polite smile. goodness gracious.. this was going to be harder than beomgyu had thought.

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