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erm smut because yes sob

this whole chapter is just smut help idek what im doing with my life anymore

there is just a tiny little line of degradation, ill put a ❗️as warning at that part lmao, ill lyk when it ends with a ✅ mwah🫶

(skip if uncomfortable 🥹)

also, have you guys presaved the minisode 3: tomorrow album yet!? was kind of sad because we were scammed into thinking it would be seven tracks when it was just five, but since its txt, its fine mwahahahah




two roommates with a not-so subtle lust for each other.

chapter #17: sticky sheets

(getting right into it yuh, im sorry if you wanted some back story 😌)

"beomgyu, would you like some-" taehyuns sentence was cut off when beomgyu grabbed his waist and pinned him against the kitchen counter, his arms trapping the younger. the ravenette looked up at beomgyu, eyes shining with surprise.

"beomgyu?" the blond chuckled (blond beomgyu bc hes so ngh), leaning closer to taehyun ear. he whispered lowly:

"yes, tyunnie? is there something you would like to say?" Taehyuns legs felt weak. It was as if the older had cast a spell on him, making him feel an overpowering amount of lust. He wanted to tell the blond everything, like his deepest desires and his dirtiest thoughts. It was no surprise that he felt this way, though, as the spell seemed to have activated the moment beomgyu arrived at his dorm, dressed in a baggy sweatshirt and a pair of sweat pants.

"I love you," and that was when beomgyu finally snapped, connecting his lips with taehyuns as his hands found their way back to the ravenettes curvy waist.

Their tongues met immediately, not wanting to waste any time in teasing.

Beomgyu had found the taste of taehyuns mouth heavenly. After waiting for so, so long, he was absolutely thrilled to be able to finally get a taste of the younger for himself.

Taehyun moaned softly when beomgyu thrusted his tongue into his mouth, the older male moving skillfully around the ravenettes warm and wet cavern. He left no space untouched, claiming the younger as his.

"hop up," beomgyu whispered, softly gesturing for taehyun to wrap his legs around his waist. Once the younger had his arms around beomgyus nape, he jumped a tiny bit, letting out a small squeak as beomgyu caught him by the thighs. The blond carried taehyun to their shared bedroom, where he dropped the younger on his bed before propping himself above the flustered male.

He trailed kisses from the youngers soft lips to his glorious neck, sucking softly on taehyuns pretty skin. The ravenette let out a tiny gasp as beomgyu sucked on a sensitive part of his neck. The older male chuckled and continued to nibble at the youngers soft skin, making his way down to taehyun slightly exposed collarbone.

"youre so pretty.." he muttered, giving taehyuns collarbone a kitten-lick. "lets get this shirt off of you so you can shine to your full potential, hm?" He looked up at taehyun, seeing the younger male already in a bliss. he smirked.

"i wonder how youd act when i fuck you to oblivion if this is just the beginning.."taehyuns red face flushed even redder, making beomgyus smirk grow with malicious intent. "Lets find out, hm?" He grabbed the hem of taehyuns white tshirt, pulling it off of the younger in a mere few seconds. He stared at the ravenettes beautifully naked top half, licking his lips with a smirk.

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