Richie Tozier (1990)

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I sat in my desk, diagonal from Y/n. I peaked up from my notebook through my glasses that were sliding off my face as I heard her laughing at something Beverly had said. Henry entered the class a bit late and sat in his seat next to her. "My Y/n, you really shouldn't wear such short skirts. It's distracting. Hasn't your daddy ever told ya? Ohh that's right, you don't have one." Henry laughs. Y/n's smile faded and she shifted in her seat, she pulled her skirt down as much as she could. It was obvious she was uncomfortable. "Leave her alone." I snapped. "Aw, would ya look at that?" Henry laughed, turning to his friends who laughed along with him. "Four eyes is standing up for his little girlfriend." Henry laughs. "Henry Bowers, detention after school." The teacher says. "My father will tear my hind." "Well, you should've thought of that before picking on your classmates. Now head to the principals." Henry stands up and grips my shoulders tightly. "You're dead four eyes." He says through gritted teeth, before making his way out of the classroom. After school me and Stanley hang for a bit and decide to make our way to the barrens. As we walk through the trees I hear her. That familiar laugh. "Well looky what we have here!" I say. "R-Richie!" Bill says. "The one and only." "Y/n babe." I wink. Y/n rolls her eyes playfully. "Hey hot stuff." She flirts back. Y/n and I have never been all that close but we did have somewhat of a friendship, a flirty friendship to be more specific. "So, what are you losers doing down here?" I ask. "B-building a d-dam." Bill says. "Yeah, Ben is helping us." Eddie says. "How do you know it'll work?" I ask. "I just do." Ben says. "Yeah, but how?" "He just does." Y/n says. "Yeah." Beverly says with a bit of playful sass. "Well alright." I shrug. After successfully building the dam we all play in the water for a bit and then make our way home. "Well, suppose this is goodbye m'lady." I say in a British accent. "I suppose it is." Y/n plays along, also using a British accent. Which she wasn't half bad at, however it could use a little work. "Shall I walk you home?" "You shall." She giggles. "You've got the prettiest smile." I say. Her smile fades slightly, still there but not as bright. Her eyes a bit wide. "Oh. Did I say that out loud?" She chuckles. "Yeah, I like yours too." I could just feel the blush coming onto my cheeks. She reaches for my glasses and places them on herself. "WOW, you are BLIND." She laughs. "Yeah, I'm aware." I laugh. "They look better on you." "Me? Nah, no one pulls off glasses like you do." "Now you're just sweet talkin." "No. I mean it. You look really cute in them." I could see the small blush on her cheeks. Jesus she's beautiful. She takes off my glasses, before she can put them back on my face I lean in and kiss her. I pull back for a second to make sure it's okay with her. She smiles and pulls me back in. The kiss being more passionate this time. At last I had finally gotten the girl I had wanted for so long.

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