Bernard (The head elf)

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You're an elf in wrapping, you work on wrapping the gifts

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You're an elf in wrapping, you work on wrapping the gifts. One of your closest friends for years has been Bernard. He is head elf. But you'd secretly caught feelings a few years back, you didn't know if he felt the same and so you of course kept quiet about your little crush in fear it'd ruin your friendship. Well I wouldn't exactly call it little, for nine hundred years you've liked him. He's 1,600 years old and I'm 1,500. We've known one another for 1,200 years.


"That is not the real Santa! He's a toy, he's got a plastic face and a rubber toosh! Don't let him ruin Christmas!" Bernard yells as the nutcrackers pull him away. "Wait! No! Bernard!!" "Y/n don't let him ruin Christmas!" The nutcrackers pull Bernard away, I glare at toy Santa. We're all forced into getting coal ready for all the children of the world instead of presents, we all sat miserably as we did so, our jolly smiles gone. Once bed time came around I waited until everyone was in bed before sneaking out to find Bernard I searched his room, every hall and closet, every room. The only place left was Santa's room and his office. I quietly tiptoed to Santa's office hoping Bernard was in there. I quietly open the door and peak my head in, I notice Bernard tied up in licorice ropes and a cookie shoved in his mouth. "Bernard!" I whisper yell. I run over and take the cookie out of his mouth. "I knew you'd find me." He smiles. I try to rip off the licorice. "It's not gonna work, you're gonna have to eat through it or find something to cut it." "Eat it? There's no way I'll be able to eat all of it by myself." I run over to Santa's desk and search the drawers, I find some scissors. "This should help." I run back over to him and cut the licorice, once released he instantly hugs me. I pull away. "Are you okay? He didn't hurt you did he?" "No, no. I'm fine." Bernard smiles and brings me in for another hug. I hug him tightly. "Let's go save Christmas." Bernard says. I nod and we both pull away from the hug. We carefully and quietly make our way through the halls. We hide behind a wall looking at Santa and the nutcrackers in the workshop. "How are we gonna do this with all those nutcrackers?" I whisper. "I'm still workin on that." "Wait. I think I've got a plan. It's not the best, but it's all we've got."  I say. "What is it?" "I'll find a way to lead all the nutcrackers into one room and lock them in while you gather all the elves and take down toy Santa." "How are you gonna lead them in?" "I'll figure it out. Meet back here after." "Y/n, wait." I stop in my tracks and turn back. "Hm?" Bernard seems deep in thought for a moment before he pulls me in for a tight hug. I wrap my arms around him. "Be careful." He whispers into my neck. "You too." With that we part ways, but not before glancing back at one another one last time. This could go horribly wrong if we failed. I brainstorm for a moment before finally thinking of what to do. I make my way into the workshop and over to the nutcrackers. "Come! someone's freeing Bernard!" I yell, tugging on one of the nutcrackers. They follow me to Santa's office and look around for Bernard. While distracted I shut the door and use my elf magic to glue the door shut with melted candy. I smile smugly at my work before turning around to find Bernard, halfway down the hall I run into Santa who had two nutcrackers with him. "Where is Bernard?" "I don't know." "Yes. You do. I was just in my office about seven, eight minutes ago and he was gone. And you were the only elf NOT in the workshop." "Yes I was. I was wrapping gifts right next to Avery, you need your eyes checked old man." Toy Santa glares at me before snapping his fingers at his nutcrackers. I look at the three of them confused. One of them hands toy Santa something and he comes close. I back up, but he clicks something on the little tube which sends it flying toward me and right into my left shoulder, I look at it for a moment before feeling my entire body go weak and numb. I fall to the ground, barely being able to keep my eyes opened. I hear a loud gasp and something fall, my eyes slowly wander to my right and I see Abby standing there. She had dropped the tray with hot coco on it and her face was filled with horror as she witnessed what they had just done to a fellow elf. She quickly ran off.

Abby ran into the workshop, Bernard was talking to all the elves and coming up with a plan. Abby accidentally ran into another elf, knocking them down. The coal they were holding fell onto the ground which made all the other elves heads turn toward the noise. Abby was out of breath and the look on her face was pure horror. "Abby? What is it?" "It's- it's y/n. She's hurt! Santa's did something to her!" All the elves let out a loud gasp and the room fills with whispers and panics. Bernard runs over ot Abby. "What do you mean she's hurt?" "He injected her with something. Sh-she fell to the ground and the sparkles on her cheeks began fading!" "Do you know where she is?" "No. I ran here as fast as I could." "Alright, you guys follow through with the plan. I'm gonna go find her." Abby nods and Bernard runs off.  A few minutes later the real Santa arrives with Curtis. The elves and Santa take down the toy Santa as Bernard continues to search for y/n. He walks into E.L.F and finds her laying on the bench inside the cell. Bernard's heart broke at the sight. The sparkles on her cheeks were completely gone, along with the usual red glow. He began searching for the key, after finding it he quickly opened it and ran over to her. Carefully pulling her off the bench and into his arms. He sat on the ground and gently shook her. "Y/n, y/n wake up." Her body had now lost its warmth and he began to panic. "Y/n! Y/n, come on. Please. Please wake up." He gently shakes her again. He caresses her hair as tears slide down his sparkly cheeks. He brought her closer to him and placed a soft gentle kiss on her lips, in the process a candy cane had fallen from his pocket and onto her. The candy cane, which contained Christmas awoke her. He realizes she's awake as she kisses back. His eyes light up and he hugs her tightly. "I thought I lost you." He whispers while caressing her hair.

A/n: Sorry for any mistakes, I haven't edited it yet.

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