Robin buckley

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A/n: A Christmas special.🥰🎄

Steve Harrington is throwing a massive Christmas party, as he used to do every year in high school. He stopped after graduating, but this was the first year he'd be throwing another one. He had begged me to come, I hate parties and he knows that. But he knew if he begged long enough, I'd give in so he'd shut up. So here I am, getting dressed for the party. I'm sure he begged robin too, so I've spent an hour changing in and out of clothes to find the "perfect" outfit for tonight.

As I pull up to Steve's I can already hear the music blasting. I make my way up to the house. "He make you come too?" I quickly turn around at the familiar voice. "Yeah." Robin chuckles. "Figures." "Well on the bright side, we're stuck here together." I wink. Robin chuckles. A cute little smile now on her face, her cheeks a pretty shade of red. "Yeah. Yeah, you uh, you look pretty by the way. Or good, great...uh- yeah It'd probably be so much worse without you. Like this one time I want to a party and- and I'm rambling..." I smile and turn to open the door. Her rambling is just the cutest thing. "Idiot." She mumbles to herself. "Huh?" "Oh uh, nothing. It's nothing." The two of us walk inside and look around for the goof that forced us here. Steve walks over with a beer in hand. "Heyyyy! You made it!" Robin smiles sarcastically. "Sadly." I say. "No. Great! Great. Come on you guys, cheer up. It's Christmas!" "Almost." "Exactly so let's have fun, alright?"

After a few drinks, dancing and hanging out Robin and I hang out back by the pool. The party is a little more empty now so there aren't many people outside. Robin and I have been friends since freshman year, I've always seen her as more though. It's honestly hard not to, have you met her? Robin and I are sitting next to the empty pool, our feet dangling in. We were to busy talking to even notice that Steve had anyck outside and quickly hung up a mistletoe above the back door, he then went back in and locked the door. Grinning to himself as he walked away. "We should go back in." Robin says. "Yeah, it's getting cold." The two of us stand up and make our way over to the door. "It's locked." Robin says. "What?" I try to open the door but it doesn't budge. "Okay, very funny Steve!" I yell and push on the door a bit while still trying to open it. Robin clears her throat and back away a little. I look at her confused until her eyes point up, I look up and notice the mistletoe. I quickly turn back to the door and pound on it. "Steve!" Steve walks over to the door with a smirk. "Open this door!" I say. Steve grins. "Steve!" Robin yells. "I'll open it once you two idiots admit you like each other already!" My eyes widen. "Open the door!" Robin and I yell unison. Steve waves and shuts the curtains. "Asshole." I mumble. I lean up against the door, shut my eyes and sigh. After a moment of silence robin speaks up. "He's not wrong..." I open my eyes and look at Robin. "What do you mean?" "I-...I don't wanna weird you out or anything...but I- I-..." Robin begins speaking quickly. "Y/n I really like you. And not just as a friend, I mean more. And it sucks because there was once a time where I could be around you and not feel nervous or have to worry about what I freaking wear, and now it's like Everytime I'm around I just-" I kiss her. Robin's eyes widen so big they look like they're about to pop right out of her skull. I pull away. "Holy sh- did you Just-..." After a moment of shock Robin smiles and pulls me close and she kisses me, only this time with more passion.

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