Intro / Author's Note

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Welcome back to Domu, the world of the Qarthans!

If you haven't yet read Lavendar & Ice, please do so first as this story picks up just a few weeks after that one ended and you will need to know a good bit of events and characters from that book in order for this one to make sense.

In this book you'll get insight into more of Kietnan and Ashima's story as we dive in to a storyline that revolves more around Rahn, Kahal, Othen, and a new female character named Biechta (bee-ehk-tah). Some previous characters will make appearances and many new ones will be introduced.

Just as book one, the story is full of new relationships, action, drama, and mystery. I hope you love it as much as book 1! Please give me feedback along the way!

I do not have a set updating schedule as my life just doesn't allow for it and I don't want to make promises to you that I cannot keep!

REMINDERS FROM BOOK 1: (More to help you visualize things better or clear up any misunderstandings in the details).

1. Qarthans can regulate their body temperature. So if someone is wearing a lot of clothing, or very little, it doesn't really matter to them.

2. The Qarthans have no hair, anywhere. So if the book mentions a brow being raised or anything like that, it means the brow muscle. 

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