28. Intermission

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The door to the female facilities opened and the two women walked outside, nodding to the guard as they turned and walked towards their seats coming towards Kahal.

"I was beginning to think you kidnapped my date." Kahal said in jest to Rahn.

Rahn's eyes rounded as she took in a sharp breath, opening her mouth and acting as if she was nervous. "Of course not, my Lord. There was simply a long line to wait for all the females to use the facilities. I hope we haven't missed the start of the second act?"

He shook his head, fighting the smile that wanted to escape him at Rahn's act.

"Oh, wonderful." Rahn said as she turned to Biechta. "It was such a pleasure getting to know you while we waited, my lady."

"A pleasure for me as well, Lana." Biechta gave a slight nod to the other female.

The three of them walked back to the royal box, a guard opened the door for them and stepped to the side, motioning for lady Biechta to go in first.

Biechta nodded and stepped through, just as Kahal gently held Rahn's arm. "Lana, might I have a quick word?"

"Oh? Of course, my Lord." They stepped a few feet to the side, Rahn, fidgeting with her dual purpose earring. "You need to speak with me, my Lord?"

Kahal remembered that it might be the same people listening on the other side, and they might remember his voice. So he altered it just slightly and spoke softly. If Biechta noticed, she hadn't said anything.

"Thuq has been with me many years."

"Yes, my lord. He has always spoken very highly of you. He values his position very much."

"I think highly of him as well. He is not simply my administrative assistant, but a close friend as well."

"That is wonderful to hear."

"I try not to meddle in others' personal matters, but I find myself curious. What are your intentions with my friend?"

A moment of silence passed between the two.

"You are worried something will happen?"

He nodded.

"We have a history, my lord... as you know." She began, choosing her words carefully. "However, right now we have simply been taking things one day at a time and seeing how things go. We have been doing well as of late, I believe. But time will tell. I can only hope for the best, for both of our sakes."

He sighed. So she didn't know anything concrete. "And if you feel he isn't the life partner for you, you will let him know sooner than later?" Hoping she would understand his meaning.

She sighed. She knew he was telling her to let them know as soon as she knew anything to do with the threat. "Once I figure that out, I'll be sure to let him know. One way or the other. And I can only hope he will do the same."

"Of course." He paused. "I apologize for intruding, I simply worry for my friend."

"I understand." She offered him a light smile.  

They returned to their seats and then production continued. Another intermission occurred, and then the production came to a close. The audience cheered and roared. He found himself smiling, seeing all of his people happy. And seeing them enjoying all of the hard work that the performers had put into their performances. But he still felt confused. The group had wanted to harm the Premier just weeks ago, and yet here they had the perfect opportunity to attempt something. They were all together a few times over the past few days, and nothing had happened.

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