46. Making a Stand

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An hour after being locked in the room, Rahn decided the time to act would have to be now. All of the armed members had left the room and the rest of the group had been left in there alone.

Rahn had watched as people had broken off into different groups, discussing the situation. There were definitely some who agreed with what Daielle had said, but it seemed the majority did not want to resort to such violence and mayhem. Or at the very least, it seemed all agreed on how flawed his plan was and how likely it was to end in disaster.

Rahn drew in a deep, fortifying breath and slowly released it. She usually worked in the shadows, making moves with little to no witnesses. But this time she would have to step up in front of an audience. And she would have to speak, of all things.

She climbed up onto the stage and turned to face the crowd. "Everyone gather around!" She yelled. "Like it or not, we are all in this together and we need to discuss what's going to happen next." The murmuring and whispers died down and everyone gathered up in a circle in front of the stage. 

Rahn hopped down and joined the circle. "Good, now that we're all together we can speak quietly enough that they shouldn't hear us outside."

The males and females all looked around at each other, and glanced out the windows. Many of them looked very nervous and uncomfortable.

"I've listened to many of you over the past hour. I know you haven't been happy with the way the premier has led over these past several years. And many of you have reasons to want change."

She watched as most of them nodded in agreement.

"However, I also know that most of you agree with me when I say that violence is not the answer."

A male spoke up from her left. "It is when they won't listen otherwise!"

"Have you even tried to talk with them?" Rahn countered. "How can they listen when no one will attempt straight forward, peaceful communication?"

"It doesn't matter, we don't have a choice." Another male said from further down. 

"Everyone has a choice. You chose to join this organization because you believe our homeland can be a better place. Because you want change for the better. Not for the worse. Each and everyone of us can choose to not take part in attacking our own home! We are the only ones who know what is coming, and it is up to us to stop it!"

Several people nodded their heads in agreement and began whispering to each other.

"But they have those weapons!" a female argued. "And trained soldiers!"

The crowd began to speak all at once and more loudly. Rahn raised her arms to quiet them. "We must be silent to not draw attention." She paused as they quieted down. "Would you stand by while they use that training and those weapons on your neighbors? Your friends? Your family? And when life goes out of their eyes, would you have the last thing they see be your face as a part of their murder?"

"But they just said make a ruckus, not kill anyone! They will only hurt the guards!"

"Wake up, Tela, do you honestly think they mean no harm to innocents at this point? Look at what they just did to Whinn for simply asking logical questions." Another female responded. 

Murmurs spread throughout, and Rahn worked to quiet them again. "There are helpless, innocent Qarthans that live all throughout the homeland, both surrounding the grand Hall and inside. Can you standby and do nothing as they burn down the homes of your grandparents? And as they slaughter innocent young males and females in front of their children? Possibly slaughtering the children themselves? Daielle has obviously lost his mind. He is not thinking clearly. He has lost focus of what the true goal is and he is simply doing all of this for power. Do not let him fool you!"

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