8. Not Your Usual Criminal Organization

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"Brother!" Othen jumped as Kahal strolled into his personal study just as dusk made way to total darkness.

"Greetings, Kahal." He turned in time to see Kahal holding Biechta's hand, practically dragging her into the room. "Oh, Lady Biechta. Greetings." He noticed she looked nervous and kept her eyes on the floor. "Are you all right?"

"Greetings, Lord Othen." She spoke softly.

"Othen." Kahal brought his brother's attention back to him. "Guess what I've just discovered."

"Please, Lord Kahal. I told you that in confidence. I do not wish..." she drew in a deep breath.

"Kahal, you are distressing our guest." Othen stood from his desk and walked around to where she stood.

"Lady Biechta, please." Kahal said, in a much more gentle manner. "You have no idea how much joy it will bring to my younger brother if you allow me to share this. I mean you no distress, I promise you."

"Joy?" She said, confused. "But my uncle has always said..." she stopped herself, glancing between the two men. One looked excited while the other looked thoroughly confused. She looked at Kahal and simply nodded as she decided she shouldn't argue with the future king.

Kahal clasped his hands together and turned to Othen. "Brother, our dear Lady Biechta here has been deprived of practically anything in life that didn't pertain to higher education and skills of ladyship."

"What?" Othen asked, still confused but now also concerned. Biechta looked down at his desk and he could practically see her trying to shrink into herself and disappear.

"It took some coaxing, but guess what activity she has always wanted to explore but never was allowed to."

"I am thoroughly confused, brother."

Kahal all but rolled his eyes. "Music!"

Othen looked between his brother and the young woman beside him. "Wait, are you saying you've never listened to music?"

"My lord!" Biechta's eyes rounded in surprise and embarrassment. "Naturally I've heard it. I mean... on occasion I heard the maids.. That is to say, occasionally the staff would sing or hum or on occasions where both my uncle and my parents were out of the estate, they would play recordings."

Othen watched as Biechta's facial expression went from embarrassed to dreamy and full of longing. "What has Lord Toth been doing over there?!" Othen said in surprise and anger as he turned to his brother. "He's deprived her of listening to music?!"

"I...." She glanced between the two men, now becoming frantic at their reactions. What did she say wrong? "My uncle is wise and he's always guided my family in what is best for us to succeed as leaders. We have no time to waste on unnecessary luxuries such as music and the other arts."

"...Unnecessary...." Othen said in disbelief. After a moment he continued. "Wait... did you say all of the arts?"

"Brother, I didn't bring her here to be ridiculed. Save that for Toth." He turned to Biechta. "I apologize, my lady."

"I apologize, please forgive me. My brother is absolutely right. "Othen added in a much softer tone.

She stood there speechless, confused, and embarrassed, unable to look either male in the eyes.

"My lady, my brother here has a passion for arts but music is his true love. I thought perhaps he might help you explore some of that during your time here." Kahal said gently.

"Oh?!" Biechta exclaimed in surprise at the same time Othen shouted. "Of course!"

"But my lords, I..."

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