25. Practically Strangers

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"I heard you and your grand hall partner have made up."

Rahn turned to see Butok behind her as she entered the alleyway after being released from her debrief by Prala. She eyed him for a moment before huffing and nodding. "Of course you did."

"You should be happy, right?"

"About what, exactly? I feel like I just used my body to gain information. I feel... dirty. Not to mention the fact that if he finds out, he'll never speak to me again."

"You'll get used to it."

She rolled her eyes and turned to walk down the street.

He followed her. "You're either all in on the cause, or you're not. That's just how it has to be. If you choose to partner with someone outside of our cause then you have to expect to lie to them."

"I expected to lie and keep secrets, not use him."

He took quick steps to block her off, halting her steps.

"I'll say it again, Lana. You're either all in or not at all. Which is it?"

She huffed and crossed her arms. "I did it, didn't I?"

"And if he does find out? If at some point you have to choose between him and the cause?"

He stared down at her, as if he could wait all day for her answer.

"I..." she sighed. "Have you ever had to choose?" She said as she hugged herself, trying to make herself appear vulnerable and unsure, thinking a little self-doubt was a good way to show her authenticity.

"We all make a choice at some point. We're allowed to have relationships outside of those within the cause. But we all have to understand that if it ever comes down to it, your loyalties are to the cause above all else. So you choose to potentially break someone's heart later or choose to simply not engage in the first place. I choose the latter."

She huffed."Yeah, I'm sure it has nothing to do with females finding you a creep." She smirked at him.

He straightened and pinned her with a glare. "Don't joke about things you know nothing of. I have sacrificed plenty for what I believe in. If I'm going to trust you, I need to know that you'll do the same. I didn't lose my entire family so some indecisive little female could come make everything I've worked for be for nothing."

She gasped as he pushed roughly into her shoulder as he walked by. She stared at him in silence as he disappeared around the corner.


Rahn didn't bother glancing at Dom as he entered her bedroom. She kept punching and kicking the newly hung bag of beans.

"What is it this time?" He asked as he leaned against her doorway.

"Just keeping my head clear and my body in shape."


She scoffed and turned to look at him. "What, you can tell the difference between my normal punching and my frustrated punching now?"

He simply gave a short nod.

She shrugged and turned back to continue pummeling the bag as he removed her tablet from its hiding place so he could download her most recent notes.

"What's your plan if you ever get caught?" She said between punches.

When he didn't respond she stopped and crossed her arms as she faced him. "You're carrying information that would be detrimental to my well being if you're discovered. Does it ever worry you?"

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