40. We Had a Moment

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An hour later, they were all gathered in one of the smaller dining rooms in the Royal Hall when the guard entered. "My Lord. I apologize, but I have not been able to find her."

"I assume you checked her room in the barracks?" Kahal responded.

"Yes, of course my lord."

"The training grounds?" The garden nodded. "The exercise room?"

"Yes, and I checked the barrack dining hall, the common rooms, anything I could think of for a guard. And I checked with commander Dran, the commander said she has not been given any assignments."

Kahal nodded. Of course, the commander hadn't given her an assignment, she was still working directly for him, in secret.

The guard nodded again. "Yes, anyone I asked either didn't know who she was or the only thing they seemed to know about her was that she liked to run and exercise, and that she mostly kept to herself. I'm afraid I do not know where else to look."

Kahal nodded. "Perhaps she has gone on an unknown trail for her run today, or is gone to the market or something. Take a midday meal break for yourself and then look for her again. Report to me if you do not find her."

The guard nodded and then swiftly left the room.

Kahal joined his brothers and their partners that sat at the table. The meal was served, but his mind stayed on the female guard. A knot was forming and he got a bad feeling.

"Kahal, did Rahn decline our invitation?" Kietnan asked.

Kahal looked up to see who was speaking to him, too distracted to take in what was said.

"I was asking about Rahn. Where is she?" Kietnan asked again.

"The guard wasn't able to find her."

"Oh?" Ashima asked from beside Kietnan.

"Has she ever mentioned anything to you about anything that would give you an idea where she might be?" Kahal asked her.

Ashima thought for a moment, and then shook her head. "She never really shared any personal details."

Kahal nodded, not surprised. "I'm sure she's just out for a bit, and will return later." The words were logical yet he didn't feel any comfort. He spent most of the meal pushing the food around on his plate with his fork. Rahn had rushed off almost as soon as they had returned. He had planned to speak with her about his concerns and work together to come up with next steps.

Later that evening, when his duties were complete and he was finally alone, the guard showed up in his study. He still found no signs of Rahn. It was as if she had disappeared. In fact, no one had recalled seeing her since that afternoon they returned, two days ago.

At the news, he had walked down to the guards barracks himself and looked for her. Her dwelling was unlocked for him with a master key and he dismissed the guards around him so he could take a moment to look in it alone. Only there was nothing to look through. She had no personal effects, no family mementos, nothing. It was as if the room had been empty and was prepared for a new recruit. The only evidence that she actually lived here was the paperwork in her desk along with the uniforms and weapons stored in her closet. This place was more like an office than a home. A mix of sadness and longing filled him.

Back in his own dwelling, Kahal changed into his dark clothes and mask, looking at himself in the mirror. His mind returned to the time Rahn had peeled away his mask and touched his face. Her hands had been so confident, so sure. Her eyes held no question of her desires or her strength. He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply, pushing the memory from his mind.

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