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Amelie's point of view:

The whole walk was pretty calm which I appreciated, finally she stopped and turned towards a house, I did the same and she started walking towards the front door, I was going to do it but I stopped... it's the biggest house that I have ever seen, what the hell, this is like a mansion, does she live here?

"Come on honey, the less you are out in the cold the better" she said smiling and turning to finally open the door, I approach and finally enter what looks like her house, I enter first because she gave me the way, then she closes the door and she starts taking off her shoes, so I did the same, her house is her rules. "Okay Amelie, would you like to go to the bathroom and clean those wounds there yourself or would you prefer that I clean them and you take a bath tomorrow?" Shit, I have more injuries than just the ones from the trees and I don't want her to see them, I don't want to cause any more problems.

"I'll clean them myself miss, thank you"

"Of course honey, but I'm going to take a look anyway after that, I don't want there to be something serious untreated there" Damn, it's okay, she's just going to look, it's okay, I won't show her anything else. After that I just nodded and she asked me to follow her to the bathroom, she showed me how to use it, I actually didn't take a shower in many days, this is good. "Okay, take your time, honey, I'm going to go get some small clothes for you, don't lock the door so I can come in and leave them for you to change, okay?" I simply nod my head in response and she leaves the bathroom.

After I finished showering and changing I went downstairs to Liz- sorry, Miss Elizabeth, and I just stared at her, I know it's fucking weird but I don't know what to do, I can't just walk around her house.

"oh honey, you're done, come here, I'm making dinner" I approach her "do you like pasta? I was making a sauce to eat with pasta but you still have time to change the menu" I love pasta and I haven't eat in a while, I think I can afford a plate

"The pasta is good miss, thank you"

"Stop talking about 'miss', you can call me Lizzie baby, I don't care, actually, the 'miss' in your mouth makes me feel old haha" I smile weakly at the sound of her laugh, it's so sweet, I even think it makes me feel. ..sure? I think she saw my attempt at a smile because she smiled back, but bigger... "come here, sit at the table baby, it's okay," I did as she said. I was watching her make food in complete silence, I asked her if she needed help but she simply refused.

Lizzie's POV:

I'm really glad she came so I can keep an eye on her. She is a sweet little girl who has suffered a lot, she deserves some attention.

"How are you feeling baby? Would you like to tell me more about what happened?" I see how she starts to play with her hands and shakes her leg, I don't want her to get nervous "only if you want, of course, you don't have to do anything-"

"no, it's okay, it's the least I can do" I want to hug her so bad "I was living in a foster home for two whole years, the same one I ran away from, there are three kids younger than me, 6, 8 and 9; Mr. Miller was the one in charge, but he never seemed interested in taking care of us, I always did, I guess he only did it for the money the system gives you. Um, it was okay at first. I mean, I had to quit school and start taking care of the kids, but I didn't really care, none of us actually went to school, but one time he invited someone over to the house, he "rented" me to that man and, you know, mmm, h- he started to... you know" I can see how tears start to appear in her eyes again and I can see that she is scared and disgusted remembering what that man did to her, I can't believe it, I'm furious , my poor little one, I think I'm starting to show some tears too...

"And mmm, is this man you're telling me about the same one you escaped from tonight? Or was there more?" God, I'm so angry right now, how could this happen to her?

"No, th- this was goin- ng to be the se- second time, but I ra- ran away" she doesn't look at me anymore, poor baby, I'm going to protect you.

"It's okay baby, believe me, I'm not going to let you go back there EVER" now she's looking at me, I hope she's believing me, because I'm furious "now let's put this behind us, we don't need to keep talking, I'm done cooking this meal for you baby, I hope you enjoy it."

Amelie pov:

Wow, that was something, I didn't think I would be able to open up and talk to anyone about anything in my life, but with her... with Lizzie I'm starting to feel safe, I like her, that's a big shame because she's going to leave me. somewhere tomorrow, and I get it, I'm not her responsibility, she's only doing this because she's a sweet person, but it's still sad.

Then I see how she hands me a plate with pasta and sauce but only for me, not for her, I thought she was going to eat with me, I can't believe I made her make a whole meal just for me.

"You're not eating mis- I mean, Lizzie", shit, another thing to apologize for

"No honey, I already had dinner with my sisters earlier, that's why I was walking home" she smiles softly, she doesn't seem stressed or angry at the fact that I made her do this.

"oh... I'm sorry, if I had known I would have made you do this, I'm sorry" I don't feel like eating right now, but it would be worse if I just denied her food, now that it's ready.

"oh honey, don't be ridiculous, eat it, I made it for you because I want you to eat, it's okay, don't worry" I did as she told me and ate my entire plate while she was drinking a cup of tea, it was the best food I once ate but immediately felt guilty again, I always feel like this when I eat, I was starving that's why I ate the whole plate, tomorrow I'm not going to eat, I have to equalize this somehow, after that, I said finished and she took my plate and washed it, even when I offered to do it, but she wouldn't let me.

After the whole dinner thing, she said it was too late and she was going to show me to my new room, which is the guest room, obviously not my room. We walked in and she motioned for me to get on the bed, so I did, at this point I was expecting her to leave or something, but instead she said

"Honey, could you let me see your wounds? I really don't want them to get infected." Shit, I don't want her to see my back, my legs or my stomach, they're full of bruises that Mr. Miller gave me. I don't want to keep talking about him again, I'm tired.

"I'm really fine Lizzie, nothing is going to get infected, I promise" please don't insist.

"Are you sure? Just one look? It's going to be quick, i'm not gonna hurt you honey" I start to panic a little, I guess she saw that I started looking in other places as if I was looking for a way to escape and my breathing started to speed up, so she spoke again "or you know what? it's late, maybe tomorrow, we don't need to do this now" she said again with that smile that I really love. "My room is at the end of the hall darling, if you need anything just go and wake me up, I don't care, really, sweet dreams darling, bay bay" she said waving her hand and finally closing the door, shit, it's a big shame that I'll have to leave tomorrow, I wonder where she's sending me.

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