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Lizzie's pov:

Now that I said goodbye to her I go to my room, grab some clothes and take a shower. As I feel the water running down my naked body I'm thinking what I should do... should I call the police? I know I have to report that place, not just for her, there are other kids there, and for that I need the police, but at the same time I don't want to keep her away from me, I mean, she's just a kid, and I really want to make sure that they will send her to a really good place... here is a good place too... should I take her in? I mean, i was trying to get a foster license a while ago, but all the paperwork never got done, maybe she could try to speed things up now... she has a hard time trusting people and I know she doesn't trust fully into me, but I guess it might be easier for her to be here with me since she already knows me than with a bunch of strangers again, plus, all the trauma she must have... Oh my God... I really want to help her, and I think I have the possibility to do it... I should call my lawyer... I quickly get out of the shower and change, after that I sat on my bed and called my lawyer, I know it's late but this can't wait.

I ended the call, I told him the situation and he is going to meet me tomorrow at the police station, because we need Amelie's testimony or something like that for the complaint, besides, there we will see with Amelie's state guardian who he will contact In first thing tomorrow morning to discuss the fostering issue, he also says I'm in a very good place as a foster person so maybe they'll let me keep her. This is probably the biggest step I have ever taken in my life, but I want to do it, I feel a connection with this little girl and I need to protect her, she deserves it, and at some point I feel like this will not only be good for her, but also for me, I have always wanted to take care of a child, that was the first reason why I started to obtain the foster license.

Well, tomorrow is a big day, it's going to be a lot, I'm super nervous about it, but I have to try to sleep, I need to rest for tomorrow, so I turned off the lights and got under my blankets, at this point they were close to 2AM. I was starting to fall asleep when suddenly I heard a scream that said 'no', obviously it's from Amelie and without thinking twice I jumped out of bed and ran to her room, super worried.

Amelie's pov:

I'm running with all my efforts, the only thing I can feel is my heart beating like it's going to jump out of my chest and the cold air hitting me in the face... he's chasing me, he's faster, why is he doing this? ? I didn't do anything... I keep running through the eternal park... but he caught me... he's grabbing me h- hes.. no no NO NO PLEASE DON'T STOP PLEASE NO NO

"NO" Where am I? I can't breathe, where is it? God, I can't breathe. I hear someone running towards my room, damn it's him, oh my god, no, please, no, no, no.

"Amelie baby, are you okay? What happened?" I'm just sobbing holding my shaking body and trying to get some air I can't breathe I just shake my head at her I hope she understands I can't talk or breathe "it's okay baby I'm going to come closer okay? It's all right, it was just a bad dream, come, breathe with me" she is holding my shaking hands, I can't help but like her touch "yeah, like that, keep breathing baby, everything will be okay, I got you" something I didn't expect What happened is that she, softly as if it were a cloud, grabbed me and hugged me, I guess she saw that I was shaking too much "shh, it's okay, everything will be fine, I got you" I tensed at first, no one had ever hugged me before in a situation like this, but she didn't let go, she just grabbed me, but feeling warmer and continuing with her affection I just let myself be... she was calming me down... "I'm here to protect you sweetheart, I will never let that man or anyone else hurt you again, okay? I'm here, baby, I got you" Those words make me sob harder and hold on tighter to her, I didn't want her to let me go, she does the same and holds me tight enough not to hurt my wounds but to let me know she's not going to let me go. ..I don't know when I ended up on her lap. We stayed like that for a while until I was calm enough to try to talk, or even breathe properly.

" found me li-lizzie, he just grabbed m- me and...and..."

"shh, it's okay baby, he's not here, he won't touch you anymore, it was just a nightmare, he's not here, I'm here... I'm here with you baby, okay? You're safe with me" I just nod weakly Ante That, I didn't want to talk, just relax in her arms "it's okay baby, you can close your eyes, I'll be here until you sleep, don't worry, just relax baby" she said rubbing one of her hands across my back and holding me with her another... even though I didn't want to, I ended up falling asleep again... I like this a lot... I like her a lot.











Authors note: this one was a little bit shortter but idc, i hope you like it anyways, be safe, love u little shits<3

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