Chapter 3

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"What. The hell. Happened."

Lydia was visibly upset, more so than Usoko had ever seen before in the two plus years that she had  known the Cat. There was audible feline hissing in her tone, and her ears were arced all the way back on her head. Were she down on all fours like a regular cat, Usoko had no doubts her back would be arched up as well. She was livid, embarrassed, and beyond furious right now due to one particular prisoner's escape. This meeting had been called immediately after Elni's disappearance, and she was absolutely laying into the guards assigned to the containment wing. Apparently they had not seen anyone go in the only entrance, and no excess-presence detectors had gone off. The only reason GARDNA was even alerted to the situation was because of the destructive wave unleashed by whoever had freed Elni and the Promethian. It was almost as if whoever was responsible wanted them to know it was happening. Usoko, Rei, and Nonami were all present as well, as the trio had engaged Elni and the Promethian before their escape.

"We're still trying to find the security footage ma'am, but it's taking a while," answered Aru, facing a nearby computer interface and scouring through hours of footage, "it seems that all the cameras in that wing had their footage corrupted at the same time, but we think we've salvaged some audio. It's faint, but... let me see if I can enhance it..."

The audio began playing, albeit faintly even with being digitally enhanced. Two voices could be heard conversing, one older and tinged with a southern accent. The other was much younger, a child's voice, but one that carried a certain undertone of menace that could not properly be put into words.

"Do you want out?"

"Could be. What could you possibly want from lil ol' me?"

"You hate GARDNA don't you? That's all the reason I need to let you go. I free you, you help me defeat them."


"Been there, tried that, and look where it got me. But sure kid, if you can get me out, lets go. Before we leave, though, I have someone else I want to take with. An old friend who probably hates GARDNA even more than you."

"I doubt that very much, but perhaps we can bring them along as well. Are you ready? If so, cover your ears and face the rear wall. Things are about to get... messy."

The audio burst out with a massive roaring sound, and Lydia held her hands to her ears, wincing in pain. Little Catie in her playpen began to cry. Aru paused the audio after only a second and apologized profusely before skipping past the explosion. Afterwards, the conversation between the two continued. It seemed part of it had been cut off during the blast, but enough was available to paint a pretty clear picture.

"So you're certain this Promethian will be of use to us? If it's as uncontrollable as it sounds..."

"It'll make for a good distraction if nothing else! Hah! Now then kid, what's your name again?"

The audio began to fade as the two apparently began walking in the opposite direction of the microphone, but the name could certainly be made out to Lydia: Karin Shinonome.

"Wait, Shinonome?" She asked aloud, "We knew she was working with Meggido, but why on Earth would she want to free that woman? And by herself?"

She steepled her hands across her face and closed her eyes, shoulders that had been tense previously now sagged with stress.

"More importantly, how did she unleash such an energy burst as she did? Inari are not supposed to be capable of such things, at least certainly not at her age."

Usoko thought she had an idea, and so raised her hand.

"Ma'am, if I may...?"

Lydia nodded, motioning for Usoko to continue speaking.

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