Chapter 6

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Nonami, unaware of the situation occurring at Tsukiyomi right now, was presently stood outside of the Fumizaki public high school's Occult Studies Club. She knew from Modred's encounter with Kasumi Ichinose that the girl still attended the club even after everything that had occurred, and the Vampire intended to speak with her to learn whatever she could about the Slimegirl. She knocked on the club room's door and waited for an answer. A moment passed, then two, before an odd trilling squawk could be heard from the other side. Nonami could not quite place the sound, but it sounded avian, and almost inquisitive. She knocked again, hoping to perhaps attract the attention of who, or whatever was inside. Again, no reply but she could hear what sounded like small webbed feet plapping on the tile floor and getting closer. Through the frosted glass, Nonami could almost make out an odd blue glow about 3ft tall, and oblong shaped. When the glow finally reached the door, it vanished and Nonami felt a hand tap her on the shoulder. She wheeled around to be greeted by two unfamiliar faces, both boys around Kuroko's age. There was a third person behind them who Nonami instantly recognized as Kasumi.

"Hey, what's a Tsukiyomi girl doin' here tryin to get inta our club?" Asked the first, a larger fellow.

"I would like to know as well, Miss..?"

"Kurosaki," replied Nonami curtly, "Mari Kurosaki. And I was actually hoping to speak to Miss Kasumi. I'm a friend of her new mentor."

At the mention of her "mentor", Kasumi got the hint but was still quite nervous. She thought she recognized the orange haired girl before her from somewhere, but was not quite sure where she could place her. Seeing Kasumi's nervousness, Kenji turned to face his green-haired friend.

"You alright 'Sumi?" He asked, a tone of concern carrying in his voice, "You know this chick? Want me to bounce her out?"

"N-no, it's fine," stammered the girl, shaking her head quickly, "But... Miss Kurosaki, was it? I'll talk to you, but I want my friends to be with me. They deserve to know what's been going on too."

Kenji and Yoshikage exchanged glances at Kasumi's odd choice of words. They knew something had been up with her, even before her new after school schedule had kicked in. That blonde haired woman had also spoken to them, that if they saw anything odd around campus they should keep it to themselves unless it presented a clear and present danger. Yoshikage was not sure what she had meant by that at the time, but now...

"I'm not... sure if that's a good idea," replied Nonami carefully, "The information I'm looking into could make them targets if they were also aware of it."

"Ma'am, not to be rude but either we stay with Kasumi or you don't get to speak to her," stated Yoshikage firmly, putting himself directly between the two girls. His expression was determined, and Nonami realized there would be no convincing him. So be it.

"Very well. I can sympathize with your desire to protect your friend. Let us discuss things further in the club room then?"

The quartet entered the occult studies room, only to discover it was in quite the disheveled state. There were tapestries all over the floor, a chipped crystal ball rolled by slowly, and a candelabra was swinging slowly from the ceiling.

"That damn bird again," groaned Yoshikage, "Sorry, we have a... pigeon problem."

"Pigeons." Repeated Nonami, not believing him for a second.

"Yes, uh. Pigeons. Well, one big one. It nests in the ceiling, and likes to cause a ruckus whenev-"

Before he could even finish the sentence, an ethereal blue dodo manifested itself on top of his head, thrusting its beak upward triumphantly and letting out a tremendous squawk as it spread its wings.

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