Chapter 5

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"Alright class, lets settle down now," called Ms Kurimura, urging her rather riled up students to calm down so they could start the day. It had gotten out just a few minutes ago that not one, not two, but FIVE transfer students were being introduced to the class today. One by themselves would be strange this time of the year, but five? That was completely unheard of in the history of Tsukiyomi Academy. As such, just about every girl in the classroom was gossiping about the identity of the newbies. Were they siblings perhaps? Had a new business opened up and these were the children of some of the higher ups? One student suggested they were secret agents sent to keep tabs on a developing situation at the school, but was laughed at for the wildness of their idea. It was safe to say though, that when the five girls entered the room, any thoughts about them being related went straight out the window.

"Girls, I'd like you to meet your new classmates for the rest of this year," said Satori Kurimura, smiling before turning to the girls.
"Care to introduce yourselves?"

"Mari Kurosaki," stated Nonami with a curt bow, "It's a pleasure to meet you.

"Asuka Katsuragi!" Grinned Rei.

"Yue Shirogami," sighed Sarah.

"Hime Kawayui!" Cheered Hyoka.

"M- Aoi Ayanami," bowed Midori politely.

There was a low murmuring through the classroom as the girls took their seats, hushed questions as to what the heck was going on. That redhead looked like an American college linebacker, there was no way she was a student their age! And that blue haired girl? Totally looked like a middle schooler escaped containment or something.

"Looks like we'll be seat mates miss," smiled "Mari", taking Emiko's seat next to Usoko, "I hope we can become fast friends. What's your name?"

Doing her best to play along, though having never been the best actor, Usoko smiled her reply.

"Usoko Tachibana, and it's a pleasure to meet you as well Kurosaki-san."

Class would then proceed onwards as normal for the next several hours, and attempts were made by many to meet the new girls in class 3-B. Funnily enough, it seemed that Hyoka had the easiest time connecting with her new classmates, despite her usual shyness around new people. By the time lunch break had rolled around, she had even made a new friend named Keiko. During lunch, it seemed Nonami had vanished, as no one could find her anywhere on the premises which prompted a hunt for her around the campus. Usoko and Midori were investigating the rear courtyard, a rather large and octagonal, but secluded area full of shrubs and shade trees. The Pinkette wished to also use this time to get to know her new teammate even better, and hopefully become friends. They were already fairly acquainted with one another from their time in Paris, and then Dublin, but Usoko wanted to try and fully bridge the gap between them. As the two girl searched for the absent Vampire, an odd sensation suddenly reverberated through the area. Like a sonic boom of dread, it hit Usoko in the pit of her stomach. Something was heading their way, fast, and it definitely was not friendly.

"Midori..." she started to say to the Lich, but Midori already had her eyes locked on the sky. Just as Usoko went to check the direction she was looking, an object careened down right at them and crashed into the ground at a high rate of speed. The force of the impact created a small crater in the courtyard, and kicked up a large cloud of dust. At first, Usoko could not quite make out the shape within the crater, but realized it was not a space rock when it stood up on two legs and began brushing itself off.

"Hey Uso-cow," sneered an all-too-familiar voice from within the quickly dispersing cloud, "Been a while. Sup?"

The dust has settled enough now that Usoko could get a clear look at the voice's owner, not that she really needed the confirmation. That voice had been her bane since 3rd grade. That raven hair, in a messy pseudo bowl cut. That permanently smug face that even now grinned mockingly. Those piercing magenta eyes encircled by thick black mascara. The purple Tsukiyomi academy uniform.

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