(5) Winning

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The next day came quickly and it was time for Keli to leave. She visited her dad one last time and he gave her the boy talk before she left. Sander dropped her off and she was off.

While her boyfriend SPLASH BRO THOMPSON, was getting his head ready for the game later. He went on a run in his little at-home gym.

9 o'clock came quickly and he got in his car the drove to the city. He was a little early and stayed in his car for the time being. Klay's windows were tinted so he was safe where he was.


I hope her plane was on time.


*Call from Keli*

Me: hey babygirl, where are you?
Keli: I just got off the plane.
Me: You're on American Airlines right?
Keli: yes I am.
Me: I'm right outside.
Keli: okay I'll be there in a second.
Me: alright, love you baby.
Keli: love you too.

I stepped out my car and leaned against the passengers side. Keli came out looking really nice.

"Damn mama! Where you going?" I hugged her passionately.

"Oh hush. I just felt like looking good."

"You better be lookin good for me, only. Shoot."

"Is Klay trying to be mr. protective?"

"Babe. I just want your attention towards meeeee," I whined.

I opened her door and helped her in.

"So babe, where you going today?" I asked her.

"What do you mean?" She looked confused, "ohhhh.."

"What is it?"

"They cancelled. I was going to a job interview." Keli sighed.

"Oh it's okay babe! I'll take you with me to the game," I grabbed her hand and drove out the airport.

Keli's phone was ringing like crazy and she looked so surprised.

"Uhhh," she unlocked her phone and went on Twitter. "Babe, The paparazzi have pictures of us already."

"Are you cool with it?" I Smirked at her.

"I'm fine with it, are you?"

"I was going to tell my parents tonight when I take you but if they find out like that then they found out." I shrugged.


Klay and Keli went home, got ready for the night and went to the oracle together.

"The famous Keli Santos, we meet again." Steps Curry held his hand out to Keli.

"What's up Steph!" Keli smiled and shook his hand.

"So how is big boy Klay treating you?" He patted Klay's back.

"He's been good. A little soft but yaknow," She laughed and Klay grinned. Curry liked Keli, she was pretty funny.


"Its the Splash brothers!" A little boy ran out to the two.

"Hey buddy!" Steph gave him a high five.

"What's up kiddo," Klay bent down to reach this 3-foot kid.

"Daniel!" His mom called out to him,"sorry boys, do you think Dan could get a pic with you guys?"

"Oh for sure!"

"Thanks you two so much!" She smiled and got the pic.
It's pretty cool to get stopped for a picture. Keli smiled while the whole thing was happening and people started to notice. The guys walked a little faster and took Keli with them.

"My dad is already in there, I'll let you stay with him." Klay held Keli's hand.

"Alright. That's fine," she smiled and walked with Klay to his dad.

His dad squinted his eyes and thought for a second.

"Dad, remember Keli?" Klay reintroduced her to him.

"I knew this girl look familiar." He took his hands out of his pockets and shook her hand.

"Mr. Thompson, you still look as well as the last time I saw you!"

"Thank you, thank you. You are all grown and young lady-like! How have you been," he smirked.

"Dad, I gotta go in. Take care of Keli, please." Klay ran in the locker room and left the two.

"I've been great. How about you?" She replied after giving Klay a good-luck kiss. Mychal's eye widened but not in a bad way but more surprised.

"Good, good. How's the parents?"

"My mom is well. And my dad, he just had a heart attack the other day. I went to visit him and he looked fine but I think he just has a bad heart." Keli explained.

"Ohhh ohh. Man, I have to visit them soon. Are they going to come down here anytime?" He shook his head.

"You know, I don't know. They said the might visit in August."

"Mm. That's good, I'll be sure to visit them!" He smiled, "So you and Klay??"

"Oh. Has he not told you?" Keli grinned.

"That boy hasn't said a word to me about you!"

"Oh gosh Klay." She shook her head smiling.

"I'll let him tell me!" Mychal said and laughed, "for now, you're just a friend of his."

The two laughed and talked until the boys came out.


The game ended.

"Dad! Mom!" I heard Klay call after the game.

His dad shook his head once then walked over. "Yess!!!"

"So this is my girlfriend Keli," he smiled and pretended like they just met. "This is my dad Mychal. This is my mom Julie."

The Warriors took the game, 115-99.

My baby won the game and the girl, aka me.

"KLAY! Baby, please don't do this!" I turned around to see some cake- faced brunette.

Klay turned around as well and saw who it was.

"Oh hell no." He grabbed me tighter and called security on her.

"Babe. Is that--"

"Yes that is." Klay watched the people bring her out and he kissed my Forehead, "baby I'm never letting you go."

Klay held on to me the rest of the night not letting me out of his sight and opened very door, introduced to everyone and let the public know we are dating.

"I'm so proud of you Klay." I kissed his cheek as we laid in bed together.

"I'm so glad you're in my life." He turned to face me.

I snuggled in his arms. He was shirtless and all I felt was his muscular body against mine.

My girl  {Klay Thompson}Where stories live. Discover now