(10) Baby boy

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The moment we've been waiting for AKA Keli giving birth!


Anytime now....the baby was just a few days late, making Klay have more and more anxiety as he played during the games.

Alesha and their mom had been comforting and taking care of Keli since the delivery day AKA a week ago.

"Hey baby, I'm going to be at the arena in a little bit. I'll see you there!" Keli hung the phone up on Klay.

Keli was suppose to be in bed resting but this was the last game to see if the Warriors advance to the finals for the third time in a row after the 2015 chaos.

Alesha, her mom, the Thompsons and Alani went to the game to watch the team. Keli had this gut feeling they were going to win today and she wanted to be there with him when he did.

"Kells if you need anything baby, let them know okay?" Klay said to her when he went to sit before the game.

"Alright, Goodluck Klay!" She kissed his cheek and let him go.

The fam was sitting almost court side but not exactly in the front row. It was half time and Keli had the sudden urge to pee.

"Ma, I'm going to pee...." Keli got up and she was wet. Like HER WATER BROKE.

"Babe, we gotta take you to the hospital!" Julie and Alani got up to take Keli to the hospital along with her mom.

"Mychal, could you make sure Klay knows we're at the hospital," Julie told him.


"Girl, the baby is taking its time, I don't think Klay is going to miss it." Alani laughed.

"Okay. But damn this shit hurts!" Keli tried to laugh but it just hurt.

"So did you name the baby?" Julie asked Keli.

"Mhmm. Klay wanted to name him Kalin Samuel," Keli smiled.

"That's beautiful," Julie smiled back and rubbed the bump.

"Aww baby. You're dad told you not to waste his name on naming your kid." Keli's mom said.

"Oh no it's okay, Klay wanted to name him after dad!" Keli lifted her wrist at her mom.

"Really? That's cute... Kalin Samuel," her mom smiled to herself.

***at the game***

"Dad?! Where Are all the girls?!" Klay dropped his jaw.

"Calm down son. They went to take Keli to the hospital, she's in labor. Just play like you do and don't think about it," Mychal calmed his son.

"DAD!! What if I don't make it?!"

"KLAY! You will make it, you're mom said the baby is taking a long time to come and he isn't going to come for the next 6 hours. Just play," Mychal pushed his son on the court to calm down.

In Klay's head he thought positive;

We will win this game and the boys are going to come to with me to watch baby Kalin be born. He will be healthy but we are going to win okay. Okay Klay, calm down. ONE THING AT A TIME.

The last half was intense, the score went back and forth.... And the last :15 the warriors were down 98-100.

Curry had the ball and shot with his eyes closing before the ball went through the net..

"LETS GO WARRR-IIOOORRS!" The crowd chanted and people went crazy.

"Maaaahhh mannn!" Klay picked Steph up.

Everyone was cheering and it was one to remember.-- they had the team meet then the hoorah was done by 10/11-ish.

"Klay, we gotta get to the hospital." Mychal pulled Klay aside.

"Oh yeah, yeah." Klay picked his stuff up and ran to the car with his dad.

Everyone packed their things to go home to get cleaned up before the hospital.

"Man, how's your heart son?" Mychal's smirked, "I'm about to be a grandpa of a second grandson. You're about to be a dad! Your team just won... How is that?"

"Dad, honestly... My dream is finally coming true, you know! I've waited for this allllll my life. Keli, she's been my dream since who knows and the fact that we're still going on for 28 years that's good! I'm excited dad, my heart is excited!" Klay smiled at the facts, his dad was proud. Klay was a happy man today.

*at the hospital*

Keli was in the last few hours of labor. She was in so much pain by now and Klay was just getting in.

"Ms.santos, we have to push the baby out now." The lady told me.

"Yessss please!!" Keli was frustrated with pain.

Everyone was freaking out with the moms by Keli's side, calling Klay on every phone they had. -- Klay rushed up stairs to the room she was in.

"I'm here! Am I late?!" Klay stood, blocking the way of the nurses.

"THEYRE TRYING TO GET IN!" Keli screamed.

He rushed to her bed side taking the place where Julie had been holding her hand. Everyone was ready to see baby Kalin pop out.

"Okay, Keli." The nurse signaled her they were ready.


Keli closed her eyes and squeezed her moms hand as hard as she squeezed Klay's.


Keli was sweating and the baby cried out. Klay and Keli smiled very big and saw the baby, he was beautiful. Plus, it took one push!

"You did kells," Klay moved a piece of Keli's hair out her face.

Keli smiled while the baby was getting cleaned off.

"He's beautiful," the nurse cradled him in her hands.

The couple gasped as the nurse handed the baby to Keli.

"He's so small," Klay smiled.

"Hi baby, I'm your mommy." Keli did a cute little baby voice. "This your daddy, your grandmas, your auntie and your grandpa," she made him face each individual.

The baby was good, he didn't cry, not once after the delivery. The lady came by to fill out the birth certificate and it was all exciting to Klay and Keli. They both had butterflies while they filled the papers.

Klay had went home to shower and get cleaned up before he went back to visit the baby.

"Hi son," Klay bent down in the nursery to Kalin. Kalin's eyes were a nice light brown color, like Keli's eyes.

The baby kicked his feet and smiled showing his baby gums. Klay spent a few minutes with the baby before the nurse asked him to leave.

Born on May 20, 2018 - 00:07
Kalin Samuel Santos-Thompson


Hope you guys liked this!! I did pick Kalin but I actually am going to eventually name one braedon, because I love that name!!

Anyways what should Keli be? Like what should she work as?

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