(9) The bridge

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Where did Keli go?!

By the way, I didn't actually read over what I wrote. If you see any mistakes, sorry..


I thought about everything and I know Klay is a good guy but those pictures were so real but..... I don't know
Doubts filled my head as I sat at one of my Friends window beds, looking over the Golden Gate Bridge.

My friend Alani, was my girl best friend. When Klay hadn't popped in my life for the second time she was there for me. She believed I knew that Klay and I were best friends before, , the only one who actually did. She was the only person I could tell about me and him.... Before he was a star.

"Keli, please don't go. Okay? No matter how hard it is to see Klay with another girl, don't let a guy let you take your life."

I thought about it several times, you know, jumping. I've ran on the bridge and stopped sometimes. I knew people would miss me.... I knew my dad would not be proud of me if I ever jumped but if it meant getting my mind off Everything.... Then maybe, I should.

I sat there staring at the bridge still. I didn't say a word to Alani.

"Come on baby girl! You are stronger than this," Alani rubbed my baby. "Klay is missing out on a lifetime deal."

I couldn't even talk or cry or show any emotion, I just sat. I think about Klay every minute I'm breathing; I can't even do that right now.

I wonder what's going through his head.

"Babes, your sister is ringing your phone, I'm going to tell her you're okay?"

I just turned and stared at Lani.

Klay's POV

I can't believe everything that was happening. I can't believe Keli is gone.... She has an 8 month fetus forming in her, she can't run off!

She needs someone to take care of her. I care for her and her future, I broke Sammy's promise.


I cried myself into the next morning, I still didn't know where she was. I could have been sleeping or finding her but instead, I did nothing. NOTHING! I feel paralyzed.

"Klay!" I heard someone open my door. It wasn't Kelli's voice.

I had my back against my head board and y room was still.

"Klay! Why weren't you at practice?" Steph stood at the door in shock. His mouth dropped.


Klay's eyes were bloodshot, he didn't get sleep, NONE. Steph rushed to his bed side like a best friend...

"Man, what's up?!" Staph sat on the bed side table.

"She left," Klay's eyes blinked. One tear escaped his eye but his arms stayed by his side and his posture wasn't moving.

"Keli?" Steph was amazed at the situation. Klay just sat not moving. "No girl.... No girl could make you feel like this! Come on mannnn."

Steph play punched Klay but he just sat, no emotion, nothing.

The guys, well only steph, tried to talk but nothing.....

Alesha's POV

3:47 AM text from kells: this is Alani, she's fine. Don't worry!

It was late and Klay was probably asleep, I'll tell him in the morning.

----- back at the Thompson's---

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