(7) See you later

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So we left off with a phone call... Who do you think it is?


"Hello?" Keli answers her phone.

"Get down here!"

"What happened?!" Keli sat up and woke Klay up.

"Daddy, he's in cardiac arrest."

They got out of bed and woke sander and Alana up, his wife. We zoomed through green lights and got to the hospital in a matter of minutes.

They rushed into his room and found him alive with more tubes. -- the doctors told us to press the button to give him the medicine that would keep his heart alive.

Klay went in there and Mr. Santos made everyone leave.

"Thompson, do you know why I told everyone to leave?"

"No sir."

"Have a seat on my bed, son." He patted a place for Klay to sit. He continued, "on my way to heaven earlier, I remembered my youngest daughter and hasn't had her first boyfriend yet. I before I left, I turned around and remembered I had to be there for my daughter..."

Mr santos adjusted his seating to sit up, "listen son, this is my first talk to a 'Keli boyfriend.' I know your parents raised you well, you're a pro basketball player for crying out loud. I wanted to have that, awkward, one on one talk with any of Keli's boyfriends but she never had one except you. She would talk about you all the time when you were in high school, even in college she would wait for your texts that were never going to come. I encouraged her to move to Berkeley for schooling, just so she could be near a boy who would hopefully bump into her some day who I would trust to take care of my baby, you."

"You're saying you set us up?" Klay joked.

"Oh Klay, you know you wanted her too....." He playfully hit him.

"You're right, you're right." Klay shook his head.

"Well, I'm not trying to scare you off But actually trying to make you stay. Please keep my daughter safe and take care of her like I would. I'm going to be watching you okay, please Klay." He held Klay's shoulder while telling him more things.

"Uncle Sammy, I'll take care of her! But you're not going to leave us today," Klay began to get tear eyed.

"Be strong for her and my family. I can't promise you anything."

Sammy pressed a button which gave the medicine to him, he twitched a little and let Klay tear a little.

"Klay, listen, I give you permission to... You know, and promise me you aren't going to hurt her." Sammy pulled Klay in a hug, "I love you son."

Klay walked out the room with red eyes and hugged Keli like he was never going to see her again.

The rest went into the room to talk to Sammy and Klay waited in the waiting room with some of the other relatives.

Klay's POV
I couldn't even handle what was going on. Yeah, things happen but this.... I couldn't help but cry on Sammy.

Keli's POV
My dad made Klay cry. This is about to be a wreck.
My dad talked to each of us one at a time. First Sander, Alesha, then me.

He went in depth with each of us and he told us he wanted to go to heaven because he couldn't handle it.

My dad was still the man who changed my diapers, the one who taught me how to ride my bike, he just had a irregular heart. I couldn't take in what was happening. The fact he was the strongest man I knew and he couldn't take what was going in his heart, it hurt me-- Every Time he pressed the medicine he twitched.

He excused the kids and we left in tears.

The time was 11 AM.

He requested us all in the room to say "see you later" one last time.

Klay held me close to him. My dad said his last words and his heartbeat went flat. My mom fell into sanders arms and quietly sobbed. Alesha bawled on Liam's chest, leaving wet stains.

We walked out the room leaving my dad. I looked back as if he were going to magically wake up. Klay did as well but my dad laid cold on his death bed.

We made our way to the waiting room where some of the relatives were.


The family went to eat out for dinner at Sammy's favorite place.

"Klay." I turned to him.

"What's wrong honey," he sipped his drink.

"Soooo..What did my dad say to you?" I finished my last bite. I really wanted to know if he said something that would make Klay leave me or I don't know....
"Don't worry about it baby," he smiled then kissed my forehead and continued to finish his food. Wow here we go, my hormones are acting up with this pregnancy.

"Klay. I'm about to yell, its my hormones. Could you tell me later then.... Just say yessss," I tried not to be weird but I was whispering to Klay so that my people wouldn't hear me.

"Okay babe. I'll tell you just because you're pregnant...." Klay laughed.

Everyone was having their bright conversations not trying to be sad at the moment. Company makes me feel so happy to be living.

I'm a weird person.


damn. I forgot about this part!

I'm going to be having Keli yell at me for no reason for the next few months.

Well whatever it takes to stay with my baby girl..


So give me a name for the baby, any name! - COMMENT

this was a little short and kind of sad, I actually teared while writing it.

Anyways, thank you again for reading! Love you guys <3

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