(6) Dad

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Klay kissed me and I went with it.

He went down my neck. He slipped my shirt off and all I could envision was the future we could have.

"Babe. Are you ready?" I asked him softly. He didn't stop but he shook his head.

Klay moved his hands from my chest down my body.

I was so turned on by this guy who I've known for 25 years. Even though, I've seen him eat boogers, have a arm, get yelled at, just everything you wouldn't see your boyfriend do while yall date. I've seen Klay at his lowest point and his highest, I can't imagine my life without him being with someone other than me.

He went fast and it felt.....

I let out a yell, Klay didn't stop though. It lasted pretty long and Klay was pretty good, I mean he was the first.

Honestly, he was my first everything.

"Kell, you alright?"

"Yeah babe," I snuggled back in him.

"Just making sure," he turned over and bit his lip.

"God. You're so fuckin sexy," I turned my head.

"I try," Klay laughed."How did I end up with a girl like you. So perfect," he wrapped his arms around me.

"I don't know baby," I held his hands and drifted off. I've always been blunt, I don't know why Klay ends up loving me so much.


I love this girl so much. I'd do anything just for her to stay with forever.
She could be the most straight up person I know but I could never get mad at her pretty face.


*2 years later*

It's official; Keli moved in with me and a baby is coming.

Life had a plan with me. He said I was going to end up with my best friend and make a family with her AND Be a pro basketball player at the same time!

I cannot stress how much I love my life enough. The butterflies are still here, the feeling is still here. Nothing has changed from the day at the signing with her, actually ever since we went to school together.


*Rewind back to middle school-7th grade*

The kids were playing MASH during free time.

When it was Klay's turn, he ended up marrying Keli, with 4 kids, in the NBA, living in LA and with a Ferrari.
According to the MASH he's working on Keli, the kids and the car. He loved the Bay Area so LA wasn't going to happen.

*back to present day*


"Alesha!" I rang the bell and yelled. She was my assistant while I was pregnant.

"Yes, queen?"

"Nutella and string cheese please."

I laughed but I also felt bad for lesh. Liam was being a little bitch. He was scared to have a kid, after 9 years of being together, he's still scared. But it's okay, I just feel bad.

"I never want to be pregnant! Shoot, you eating the whole house," Alesha came back with my food.

"Girl. It'll be worth it in the end. What the baby wants, the baby is going to get!" I rubbed my stomach and talked to baby Thompson.


It's been some months and the doctors told us it was going to to be a boy.

"Keli, what are we naming the baby?" Klay came out the bathroom brushing his teeth.

My girl  {Klay Thompson}Where stories live. Discover now