Chapter 29

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Lu Chengyu had not expected to meet any classmates when he came out to play.

In front of him stood Chen Ya, a subtle dusting of makeup accentuating her features. In the few months since he had last seen her, Chen Ya had changed. The air of a green and naive university graduate had been stripped away, leaving the confident and mature figure before him now. Lu Chengyu hadn't liked any girls in his past life, but Chen Ya was the sort of girl he could appreciate: Someone not arrogant or impatient; who knew what she wanted and how to get it.

"I haven't seen you for several months. It seems that you've been doing well." Chen Ya took a step back to get a better look, her eyes wandering up and down Lu Chengyu's body. She smiled and said: "My mother praised you the other day, saying that you usually call to inquire about her and my father's health-which is something she can't say the same about her daughter."

Chen Ya had been travelling on a business trip. When she came back, her mother boasted that Lu Chengyu is a warm-hearted and considerate person; which made Chen Ya, as a daughter, feel a little embarrassed.

"Every time I call aunt, she is very energetic. Basically, I feel relieved whenever I hear her voice." Lu Chengyu knows what sort of character Aunt Du-Chen Ya's mother-has. While enduring the lowest points of his last life, this aunt often asked Uncle Chen to bring him food. Even weeks before his death, she still fussed over Lu Chengyu's marriage prospects.

Amused by Lu Chengyu's words, Chen Ya nodded and said, "my mother is just like that. If our fates had entwined, I'm afraid your position in my mother's heart might surpass mine."

"Now that Sister Ya has become so beautiful and capable, if we lined up all the gentlemen chasing her, it would stretch from the capital all the way to the sea. Don't waste your time on a toad like me." Lu Chengyu pointed his finger on top of his head and chuckled. "I'm afraid God would not stand idly by."

"That's right," Chen Ya crossed her arms under her breasts, thrust one, delicate stiletto-heeled shoe forward, and proudly raised her chin, "you'd better go bother some other woman."

Lu Chengyu half-bowed. "Yes, my queen." When Lu Chengyu raised his head, they laughed at the same time, releasing old feelings and past regrets.

Chen Ya looked at this man who wears such a gentle smile. She reminded herself, What woman hasn't fallen into an impossible love at least once in her lifetime? Turn around and let it go. Maybe the next person you meet will be the one that suits you best.

"Xiao Lu, is this your friend?" When Yan Mu came over, he overheard Lu Chengyu call Chen Ya a queen. He walked up to Lu Chengyu, stood by his side, and nodded in greeting. "Hello, I'm Xiao Lu's colleague."

"Hello," Chen Ya noticed an unusual atmosphere between the people in front of her. She guessed that this man might be Lu Chengyu's boss. Afraid that she would cause trouble for Lu Chengyu, she politely introduced herself, "I'm Lu Chengyu's classmate. I happened to meet him just now. I hope I'm not bothering you."

"We also came out to play. Since you are Xiao Lu's classmate, we might as well go to sit together," Yan Mu glanced at Lu Chengyu for a moment. "Why not invite your classmate to sit with us?"

"Thank you, but there's no need. We are just chatting." Aware that the boss seemed to have a good relationship with Lu Chengyu, Chen Ya casually pointed to one side with a smile. "All of my family is still waiting for me there. I'll go first."

When Lu Chengyu saw that Chen Ya really didn't want to stay behind, he said, "Send my regards to uncle and aunt."

"I will. Come to my house when you have time." Chen Ya nodded, said goodbye to Yan Mu and strolled away.

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