The elusive one - Part II

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Minato and Minako hid behind one of the tall buildings of the city, watching as shadows passed by while searching for them. There were many shadows filling the streets, of various shapes and power. There were even several Reapers roaming around, the sound of their chains sliding on floor left the twins on edge. It was clear that Ina and Mina were doing everything they could to find them and capture them, and with how many shadows were searching for them, it seemed like it was only a matter of time before they were found. However, amidst this impossible situation, they saw Alma and the other members of SEES fighting their way through shadows, so they quickly joined them.

" You are fine " Alma remarked as she saw them, just as she managed to finish another shadow " we must find Dalila soon, I think we are nearing our limit "

" You guys played the game, right? Do you know what the character would be in this situation? " Akihio asked anxiously

" Well, like I said before, the game's limitations didn't allow for the whole city to be depicted, just because we played it, doesn't mean we know everything " Minato thought to himself " the opening shows her in the slums, but we couldn't find her there, then every other scene shows her in a different part of the city "

" This seems hopeless... We know so little about this Dalila, how are we meant to do this?! " Yukari despaired

 We know so little about this Dalila, how are we meant to do this?! " Yukari despaired

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" Jormungandr! "

Riou immediately summoned his Persona against Cosmos and Null, it immediately breathed a torrent of flames at them, setting buildings that surrounded them on fire. However, Null managed to reduce the heat of the flames with his shield by casting a protective barrier, and Cosmos forced her way through the scorching fire with her sword brandished, she dragged her blade against the floor , from which black crystals emerged and completely engulfed Riou and his Persona. Null quickly followed her, brandishing his sword and cleaving Jormungandr in half. Riou jumped back to try and avoid them, but Cosmos managed to catch up to him. She jumped over him, her blade sparking with black lightning as she struck him.

" agh! dammit! " he groaned painfully as he jumped back, clutching his wound and feeling his muscles convulsing " Jormungandr

" oh no you don't! " Cosmos tried to stop him from summoning his Persona, but she wasn't fast enough, as Jormungandr towered over her and breathed a torrential lightning spiral that completely engulfed her

" Lucy! " Null quickly jumped in to protect her, but as Jormungandr swiped its tail against them, it managed to knock both of them down

" damn... damn you... " Riou perspired, it took a lot of him to knock Cosmos and Null down, but as he saw them stand up again, he realized that it would take more than that to stop them " why won't you die?! Persona! "

" stay back! " Null raised his shield again, casting a shining protective barrier that tanked the attack from Jormungandr

" my turn! You're finished " Cosmos exclaimed, once again casting dark crystals from the ground at the tip of her sword, which impaled Jormungandr and caused it to fade. However, before she could finish Riou off, she suddenly found herself surrounded by glowing papers, which shone brightly in an instant, suddenly robbing her of her powers and caused her to collapse on her knees " what... what just happened...? "

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