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There's not a lot of things that bother Cassiopeia. She always seems to put up a front that she doesn't care about everything. Her days consisted of going to classes, eating lunch, going to classes, dinner and visiting Myrtle.

She didn't bother with making friends either. Slytherins always stick to their house but no matter how much their mind tried to come up with befriending the Greengrass, there's some underlying consequences and one of them is facing the wrath of the noble house of Black.

It was no secret that Walburga detest her illegitimate offspring deeply as it once stained their family name by being born and being the topic of the wizarding world negatively, so people to tend to still clear and away from Cassiopeia as they didn't want to face the wrath of the Blacks.

Cassiopeia admitted it to herself that it had once hurt her when she was a child but as her grandfather always told her, 'don't bother in things you can't control', she never once bothered again.

So the situation that she was in at the current moment made her mind short circuit. A little girl with a mop of blond hair with a ridiculous red robes sticking like sore thumb in a table full of green, sporting an unbothered blank face that would level the Greengrass while eating her cereal was seated right next to her and never even bothered to put a bit of an inches distance between them. It made Cassiopeia uncomfortable as she was never used to physical contact toppled by the stares she accumulated by the sudden turn of events.

Cassiopeia screwed her eyes shut in irritation and cast a menacing look towards the little girl. "Who gave you the right to sit with me, you menace peasant?" She hissed not so pleasantly to be awarded by a snort and a roll of eyes from the Gryffindor first year.

For being an 11 year old, she's so sassy for her own good and Cassiopeia don't appreciate in the slightest. Never did she ever been bothered by low lives before, not even children, they're frightened by the mere blank face of the Greengrass to which she always find a joy with.

But this menace never even flinch by the scathing gaze of the Slytherin and by the look of the little girl's sarcastic smile, she find a joy with watching Cassiopeia's almost constipated structure.

The little McKinnon childishly giggled, her face turning red and pointing at Cassiopeia's frowning face. "You look so funny."

Cassiopeia glared at her once more before turning her gaze to the Slytherins and hissing at them, to which they find really disturbing as they've never have experienced the wrath of the Greengrass and they never want to be in the end of it.

Few of them turned away but the one stood out the most as he was glaring at them both with hatred. "Something you want to say, Black?" Cassiopeia nearly spath, glaring at him from the end of the table.

Regulus sneered back, fisting is utensils so hard. "None of your business, bastard child."

Cassiopeia rolled her eyes. That line was getting old and she's getting tired of reminding them that she's not even bothered by it. She waved her hand, dismissing his attempt to get the rise out of her. "Oh please, spare me. I'm so grateful I'm a bastard child. Wouldn't want to be raised by two dogs, one's a bitch, one's an incest. I'm surprised, you weren't born deformed." She smirked devilishly and it widens even more when Regulus abruptly stood in anger, ready to hex her to oblivion.

She dismissed his childish attempt to scare her as they both know that he will never get away with attempting to hurt her infront of the headmaster and professors. "Mr. Black, what do you think you're doing?" Professor McGonagall raised her eyebrows from the top of the podium where all professors were having their breakfast. Regulus narrowed his eyes even more at Cassiopeia before someone pulled him down to not get in trouble.

The Greengrass took it as a win before flashing him a taunting smile. It was no brainer that the Black children and Cassiopeia never had a good relationship as it was prevented immediately and even stained her name by the she-devil Walburga but Cassiopeia never really mind nor did she cared. They could die right in front of her and she would just roll her eyes and walk away, that's how little she cared.

Another snort emitted from right beside her making her internally grumbled, but she ignored the Gryffindor, the best she can think of was that. Ignore the girl entirely before she spontaneously combust, she hoped.

Though, Maisey didn't take it so kindly. She jabbed her elbow on Cassiopeia's stomach making the Slytherin look at her blankly before muttering in monotone voice. "Ouch. It hurts." Before shrugging her shoulders and eat her food merrily.

She hoped, the Gryffindor will spontaneously combust without her help.

Marlene can't take her eyes off the two. She couldn't believe her sister had the guts to be near the resident ice Queen much more to annoy the living daylight out of her but to think about it, Maisey have the tendency to be adventurous, wild and never go by the rules and because of that, it wasn't easy for her to get any friends. She take pride in achieving the hardest things and Maisey knew, befriending Cassiopeia is a challenge. Marlene groaned loudly, catching the attention of Lily who was busy eating her breakfast. "I swear to Merlin, Maisey will get herself killed."

Lily chuckled at her before taking a glance at Cassiopeia's figure, catching her eyes. Her Slytherin look gorgeous as usual, Lily couldn't help but admire her. She couldn't believe that a girl can have broad shoulders like men do and it's even more amazing that the Slytherin have the height of a basketballer as muggles like her called it. She bit her lip at that thought of climbing that tree like stature. She shook her head to get rid of the dirty thought before giving her full attention to her friend who was glaring daggers at her sister. "Leave the girl alone, it's not like she's in danger with Cassy."

Marlene scoffed, rolling her eyes at the redhead. "You dont know that." She mumbled.

"Lily's right, Marls. Cassiopeia never attacked anyone other than the people who attacked her first. Maisey may annoy her but as much as it pains you, you have to admit, she never once hit children." Alice said, looking at Marlene knowingly.

Lily beamed at Alice before giving the sighing Marlene a look. "Yes yes. You're right, my bad."

They all have to admit that even though they never once voiced out their dislike to some houses, but when it comes to Slytherin, they never held back. They were prejudice and still are to those people who have different values than they have even when those people couldn't really help it.

Marlene can also admit, there's still more to the curiosity that she held with Cassiopeia but she didn't know what it was. It started with a little spark of curiosity when the Slytherin didn't bother to retaliate to one of the pranks of certain people but just deflected with a mere flick of her wand and go with her day like nothing happened. The more she dig into the certain things that Cassiopeia do, the more curious she got and before she knew it, she's in too deep.

She just hope that her curiosity is not rooted from something more other than that, because one of her and Lily will get hurt in the end.



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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