The Zandian Campaign (Part 1)

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I parry one of Ahsoka's dual sabers with the lightsaber resistant shaft of my pike. I go to kick her in the side, but I'm countered when she drops one of her sabers to grab my foot and yank it towards her, trying to dislocate some part of my leg. As I'm being pulled I let out a high pitched scream, catching her off guard.

I slide along the grimy floor of the bar, my saber skids along as well, but everything is slower? No, I'm so much faster than I was. I sprint at her and she can barely start to dodge before I hit her with a brutal shoulder tackle. She flies towards a window and exits through said window. But as she exits, two more pop up, sabers ignited.

"Commander! We won't let you get away with this!" The taller one with the green pauldron exclaims.

I force pull my lightsaber to me and activate it. I make my saber float so I can communicate with them.

<Dume. Bridger.> I sign at them before letting my pike fall back into my hands. I still have a little bit left in my scream time, so I unleash a final flurry of thrusts at them, catching them on the defensive. I see a mandalorian escorting Ahsoka off. Dume and Bridger launch an offensive, forcing me to guard.

A few seconds later I hear the thumps of plasteel boots on dirt. Bridger and Dume notice this and immediately start fleeing the battle. I decide not to chase them.

BACK TO THE PAST~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I wipe the sweat off my brow after an intense bout of sparring with Ahsoka.

"You've been getting better, Ahsoka." I say, breathlessly.
"You really think so? I could give you a few tips about dodging and countering, if you want to learn from the best." She's flushed again.
"Oh yeah, I'll have to take you up on your offer. Could I ask you a question?" I ask.
"Depends on the question, Y/N."
"Are you sick or something? You're always flushed while we're near eachother, are you like literally allergic to humans? Is that something that Togruta have?" I ask, completely genuine.
"No, I do not have an allergy to humans." She is covering her face with her palm.
"Oh, okay, so wha-" I am rudely interrupted by Master Secura calling my name.
"Y/N! Your sparring match is over, come here!" She yells.
"Yes, Master!" I yell back as I walk over to her.
"We have a new mission, come with me." She tells me.
"Alright. See you next time, Ahsoka!" She simply just waves goodbye to me.
"So, Master, what is our mission?"
"We need to help the planet of Zand push back the separatists and liberate the imprisoned Zandians." Shit, Paytan.
"Meet me in the docking bay in an hour."

I know I shouldn't care so much about Paytan, but I just can't help it. I put my cloak and armor on, I grab my lightsaber and blaster and I'm out of there. I'm at the docking bay by thirty minutes.

"Good, you're early, get in, you're going to meet Commander Bly. He's amazing at what he does, he's an early generation ARC trooper and has been leading this unit since it's been a unit."
"Sounds like a good soldier." I comment.
"He's one of the best." She adds before letting the silence take over.

I sit in silence, checking my gear. After we arrive at the Venator, I walk with my master towards the training area. The one who I think is Commander Bly is already there.

"Hello there, kid." He says, taking off his helmet.
"Commander Bly, I presume?"
"You would presume correctly, kid."
"Alright, boys, you can make a further introduction later, right now we need to train." My master cuts in.
"Yes, General Secura. One last thing, just because you're a Jedi doesn't mean we'll all love you immediately." He tells me, before walking away.
"Well, that went well." I say.
"He's not usually that rude." She responds.
"All the more reason to impress him."
"That's the right way to think. Head into the training room and I'll try to teach you to wall run."

The First to Fall (Star Wars X Male Reader) [SOON TO BE WORKED ON AGAIN]Where stories live. Discover now