The Zandian Campaign (Part 3)

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Enter me, currently having my shoulder burnt to a crisp in acid while all I have left of my lightsaber pike is my E/C crystal, shoved hastily into my pocket. This hurts worse than I could ever have imagined, and right after we found the king and queen dead.

The separatist commander is laughing at my screams of agony. Runner's dead. I can feel a big acid bubble pop onto my neck, now I'll have a scar there as well. The commander has the lightsaber of Exar Kun, and I know in my soul, nobody is coming to save me. The scent of burning flesh is terrible.

But then I realize that only I can save myself, so I roll over and throw acid on the separatist leader. I draw my blaster while still on the ground and ice the warden. I get up with one arm before force pulling Exar Kun's lightsaber to me and grabbing Runner's corpse and walking with him slung over my good shoulder.

I don't make it very far, maybe eight kilometers before I fall and can only wait for help.

"I-I'm sorry, Runner, that I couldn't help you." Tears fall from my eyes before I fall asleep.


Shit, this is bad, both of Paytan's parents are dead, I found them hung in their cells. Runner's hit, we're both charging through the prison. I see a window I think we can jump out of. I also see an exit door we could go out of, so we begin running to the exit door, but the door shuts in my face, after Runner went through. I don't have any time to alert him to where to meet him.

I run and jump out the window to grooved walls. I realize now what my master meant and I instead of pushing myself to the wall, I pull myself to the wall and I run and jump to the next wall, and the next and the next until there are no more walls and I fall to the ground outside of the prison. I hit my head on a rock and wake up to being kicked into the lake I didn't realize was there.

When my shoulder hits the water I realize that's not water, but acid. The prison warden is carrying Runner's corpse. My lightsaber pike was destroyed back in the prison by the energy walls designed to keep prisoners imprisoned, I could only salvage the crystal.

What I'm trying to say is, I'm fucked.


I can't fucking believe it, they found me. I woke up weeks later in the castle infirmary to Paytan with a doctor looming over me, just standing there, staring. Completely terrifying, would not recommend.

Paytan looks like she's been crying, whether about her parents or I, I can't decide, though I have suspicions it's the former. They notice me open my eyes and they start to to look hopeful and I think that they're hoping my eyes stay open this time.

I sit upright and look to my right side, covered in bandages, and I would imagine permanent burn scars. I look to the bedside table, the lightsaber and my saber's crystal.

"Mr. L/N? Does anything hurt?" He asks me, gently.
"Not anymore, no." I whisper, staring at my lap.
"Most of your armor was damaged beyond repair, the clones gave you permission to use the clone you came with's armor." I look beside me, Runner's armor is on an armor stand, I finally notice all the details on it.

A Krayt Dragon on his pauldron, Aurebesh engraved on his bracer, reading 'Republic Property'. His Kama had yellow markings of the Fett Mandalorian clan, it seems he knows his progenitor's origin. On the underside of his left bracer, it showed his blood type, his date of birth read N/A, he marked his homeworld as 'You're stupid, right?' Must be clone humor.

On his Kama, he had also wrote something in white Mando'a text. He had tally marks all over his chest plate, I don't know what for, but if he counted the days, he'd be a pretty old clone, first battle of Geonosis and everything. On his helmet, he wrote, 'Made to heal' in yellow Aurebesh.

I'm finally snapped out of my reverie by the door sliding shut and Paytan running to hug me

"H-How are my parents?" She whispers through sobs.
"They were executed." I have to break the news to hear, sooner than later.

She doesn't even respond, just breaks down even further. I'm not sure how long it takes, but she pulls away, unspeaking. She leaves the room as my master enters. Master Secura looks at me, smiles and nods, then walks back out. What a way to wake up.

I begin to write, I write stories, I write weaknesses. I make profiles on everyone I possibly can, detailing their strengths and weaknesses. I write stories about peace. After one month, I'm free to begin training once more, I begin with simple conditioning and meditation.

One month later, I'm almost fully recovered back to my full strength, but Master says I can't go on any missions yet. I write tactical maneuvers. I write strategic maneuvers. I hear that a separatist bounty hunter of the Krarros Mandalorian clan, a newer clan, has traveled here. I train some more in preparation of it, I spar with clones, no force, just fists of fury.

After the second month, I'm in the best shape of my life physically, but I need to get better spiritually. Princess, I mean, Queen Skemar, along with my Master have allowed me to go on patrol. I don't sleep at night anymore, I meditate through it. I'm close to a force breakthrough. One night, I'm on patrol, when separatist forces attack. I'm forced to field test it.


I felt its abilities, the mental clarity, the courage that comes from its beautiful light. I saw the blaster bolts slide away as I drew the lightsaber of Exar Kun and launched into something I learned from watching Anakin Skywalker and my Master train, a strike I created for form V.


When I strike, I turn the lightsaber around so it's reverse grip, then strike, turn to standard, you get the gist. I use droid oil as paint that night. Queen Paytan and Master Secura are surprised when I recount the events of the night.

It matters not what they think of me. It only matters if I can get strong enough to destroy the separatists and rebellious Green Army of Zand. The Queen with her armies and I with the 327th Regiment march without the permission of Master Secura for an all out assault, leaving few people at the capital.

We march for the largest city of Zand, it being in the Desert of Yellow Skies, the city colloquially known as Oasis, formally as Oasis of the Yellow. My Master calls me in the middle of the march to ask why exactly I've left without her permission. I explain and ask her forgiveness, I am privy to it, and the knowledge that Ahsoka is being held for treason against the Republic.

That can't be true, Ahsoka would never. I'll keep her in mind, and that the true culprit comes to justice for the bombing. I adjust the leather cord now holding my old lightsaber crystal. We meet some resistance on the outskirts of the walls to Oasis. We crush them. We set up for a siege, with bombings of the city. Paytan and I have tents set up next to eachother.

It takes just 2 months, but they break, hungry and tired of bombings. They prepare to battle. We prepare to take the city, the Zandian Campaign will be done by Life Day.

(I'm so sorry for how late this chapter is, I've just been so busy with school and such.
What do you think of the development of our protagonist?)

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