Chapter 13: Drug dealer aesthetics

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[a/n: how's everyone doingggg? were you waiting or did you forget]

"So, this is your house." Jimin mutters, stepping into the flat that was on the fourth floor in a small society on the outskirts of Seoul.

"Yes, I apologize if it's too downtown for you but this is all I have, I'm really broke."

"Oh don't sweat." The blonde reassures, looking around. "It's not half as bad as I thought, it's really neat, I like it."

"Ah, yes I'm very particular about neatness."

The smaller male snorts.

"I guess we're not compatible as roommates then."

Jungkook shrugs, looking past the other to the pantry.

"What do you feel like doing right now?" He asks casually, looking at the other with a smile.

"What do you mean? What else have you called me over for?"

"For...having fun?"


"There are plenty ways of havin—"

Jimin interrupts the other with a quick dissapproving click of his tongue.

"Just dick me down."

Jungkook purses his lips, loving the idea of that but at the same time not feeling like it.

"Or we could sit and watch a Netflix series."

Jimin frowns, yet pulling a smile and the other doesn't know if that's a good or a bad thing.

"What are we supposed to be right now? Friends?"

"Well— Friends with benefits right? That has the word friends—"

"I thought I used the word fuck buddies."

"Then we're buddies."

Jimin stands there tilting his head to the side, then shaking it.

"Nah, I'm leaving—"

He attempts to walk past the other but Jungkook blocks him, chest colliding against each other.

"You're not leaving just like that, I promised you'll have a good time." The ravenette smirks, a hand grabbing the other's waist up against him, Jimin's hand immediately fists against the other's chest, gently pushing away.

"You're not fucking holding me on hostage." The blonde scoffs, shivering at the other's breath against his ears.

"But I thought I made it clear you won't leave once you're in my house the last time we talked about this." He slyly says, teeth nipping at the other's ear lobe, Jimin caves in with a whimper. "Thought that was well understood, wasn't that darling?"

Jimin nods almost immediately.

"I know you love being ordered around, like a little puppet."

The ravenette gently steps back, cradling his palm against the other's cheek and Jimin almost instantly falls into the embrace.

"But I feel like it's more of a habit than a kink."

He hums and Jimin looks up, suddenly sensing the hidden meaning behind all those phrases.

"Am I not right?"

Jimin takes a step back, swallowing.

"Stop talking about stuff you know shit about." He says, turning away and walking towards the other's couch. "Going on and on about some rubbish."

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