{●~Jealously is my Power~● }

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Rudrani was walking quietly,  Karna was searching for something. Rudrani is happy her hand was held by Karna. 

"Please bring ********** herbs " Karna asked a maid .

Rudrani is only admiring him with her charming eyes .

"Is it hurting much??" Karna questioned but Rudrani remained silent as she was lost in other thoughts

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"Is it hurting much??" Karna questioned but Rudrani remained silent as she was lost in other thoughts.

Karna felt a little uneasy,  when Rudrani didn't respond.

He wave hid hand in front of her ,
Rudrani get back to her senses.

"Huh !!" Rudrani uttered.

"Is it hurting much ??" Karna questioned

Rudrani shake her head as no .

Karna was a little taken aback blood is flowing continuously from the wound.

"You're sure ??  " Karna questioned.

Rudrani nod .
Soon maid came with herbs , Karna crushed them and placed on the wound and cleaning the excess blood He covered it with a clean cloth,  Rudrani admired him in the whole process.

"It will recover soon " Karna uttered with a smile.
Rudrani smile at him .

Karna nod and left .

Rudrani stared at the way he left .
She got senses hearing a sound. Turning around she found Anamika glaring at her , a glass vase was scattered on the ground.

A smirk appeared on Rudrani's face .

"Not meant for him huh !!" Rudrani mocked.

"Don't confuse his kindness with love,
You're no match , " Anamika growled.

Anamika left . Rudrani smirk.

"Putr if you shouldn't have to come along , I can go by myself " Kunti told Karna.

"But mother the temple is on the mountain, you have to climb a numerous stairs,  "  Karna replied with concern .

"It's alright I can go all by myself, " Kunti replied.

"No , if brother , Bheem or Arjun were here I wouldn't be concerned but I can't let you go alone " Karna replied.

"I will go with her !!" Anamika uttered coming towards them.

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|His Queen Of Pride|:~Sacrifice (1st Part)●♡Where stories live. Discover now