{Friendship is More important}

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As Rudrani left Anamika left immediately.  Karna noticed a Anklet on the ground.

"OH!! She left it !!" Karna uttered picking it up .

"OH!! She left it !!" Karna uttered picking it up

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"I'll be right back " Karna left.
Arjun and Bheem along with Draupadi laughed.

Rudrani was walking towards her room with a flower from the Puja for Dyuti.

"Princess wait !!" Rudrani heard Karna's voice
She turned and found him. Coming towards her .

"You left this there !!" Karna uttered showing her Anklet.
"OH!! My bad , give it " Rudrani uttered stretching her arm .

Karna suddenly kneel down .

"What are you -" Rudrani's works stuck on her mouth finding Karna taking her feet on his knee and wearing her the Anklet,  heart beat increased

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"What are you -" Rudrani's works stuck on her mouth finding Karna taking her feet on his knee and wearing her the Anklet,  heart beat increased. Breath becomes tight.

After finishing it Karna stood back .Rudrani get some air .

"T-thanks " Rudrani shutter.

Karna smile .

Rudrani's cheek heated. She ran away.
Karna was dumbfounded.
He then turn to return and Found Ruchira standing in front of him .

"I - " Karna tried to utter as if he did some crime .

Ruchira smile .

"I know what you feel for Princess Rudrani,  " Ruchira uttered.

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|His Queen Of Pride|:~Sacrifice (1st Part)●♡Where stories live. Discover now