Tedros' POV of the Trial

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"Teddy!" Tedros heard Sophie call out, as soon as he entered through the spiders. He started walking just a slight bit faster, wary of how loud his footsteps were.

A scream ran out through the forest. Fuck being quiet. "Sophie?"

Suddenly, he swivelled to the bushes, having heard a sound come from their leaves. "Who's there?" He barked, as a mysterious hooded figure emerged.

"Oh, dear, stupid prince." The figure spat. A female, "Thinking he can save his princess. Well, son of Arthur, your blonde 'True Love' is a witch. No matter how much she denies it, there's pure Evil in her soul. Watch out if I were you." He could see her smirking under the hood. A Never.

"Stay away from her, you don't know what you're talking about." He barked, but doubt settled in his stomach. Suppose Sophie was playing him? That she wanted him gone, and used her looks to an advantage. No. She can't be, she loved him... right? 'Tedros stop. You're letting that Never girl get to you, she's obviously lying.' He berated himself for doubting Sophie.

"Oh, but I do. See, I'm her darling roommate, so I have the... pleasure of hearing every word she mutters in her sleep, every unconscious thought that she accidentally says out loud. Everything." The girl seethed, promptly pulling out a dagger and pointing it at his throat. "You won't make it out alive, if it's up to her." The Never whispered eerily. She then proceeded to stab him in the flank before he could react, and ran off into the blue darkness.

Tedros groaned in pain, clutching his bleeding side.

He eventually hobbled into the pumpkin patch, his tunic in pieces, his sword lost when he'd encountered a group of Never boys who seemed desperate to kill him. The prince looked at two shrubs, which looked oddly out of place. But he really couldn't care less, as he crumpled against a tree, half-conscious.

The rest was a blur. Hester had appeared out of nowhere, and split her demon into five parts. Head, two arms, and two legs. He'd grabbed his knife from his leg and fought them off, catching a glimpse of her handkerchief, hanging from her pocket. He'd lunged, grabbing it and pulling it out, watching in glee as her eyes widened when he dropped it to the floor.

But what he didn't notice, was a piece of her demon, stubbornly remaining. It slowly raised its knife, and before Tedros could notice it hit him, his shield had come crashing down, causing the last limb to disapear. He looked down slowly.

Agatha. Covering her naked body with his shield, muttering something about mogrification being stupid if you ended up naked. He gaped at her, utterly confused, before he lit his own fingerglow and pointed it at the remaining shrub. "Corpadora vulvara."

Sophie had come crashing to the floor, yelling to Agatha about clothes. Agatha rolled her eyes, and covered Sophie in vines, but Tedros didn't move.

"I can't believe you! You said we'd fight together! But you-you cheated! You brought her!" The prince yelled at Sophie, then turned to Agatha, "You-that book, you were planning this all along!"

"Teddy we had to, I couldn't risk my own life!" Sophie pleaded with him, but he only glared back.

"Then why did she?" He snarled, pointing at Agatha, who tried to defend herself as soon as she saw Sophie's face.

Agatha had turned into a dove and flown away as students came rushing down to the pair. The Evers and Nevers slowly separated, for they would never be friends, always enemies.

Tedros glared down at a cowering Sophie, then stormed off, ripping the remains of his cloak off as he left, throwing them to the grass.

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