The Witch's New Look PT II: The Circus of Talents

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The Everboys all looked at Tedros and Chaddick in the library, as the princes made up a board of the planned dates, and who to ask if they said no.

"Right, uh... Tedros you say it." Chaddick said, pushing the younger prince forward.

"Wha-Chad-" He paused. "Fine. Who's free to take Agatha, since we can't let her fail, no matter how much we like or don't like her?" Tedros sighed, as the Everboys stared blankly back at him.

"Take Agatha? The witch that punched you in the face?" An Everboy yelled from the mass.

"Guys, I know people don't like her, but we don't want her to fail. We don't even know what happens apart from mogrifying, and even that's shit." Chaddick jumped in, aware that Tedros didn't really know what to say.

"I mean I guess so, but surely she can ask one of us?" Tristan questioned.

"I'm pretty sure she'd rather slit her throat than do that." Tedros replied.

"Damn right I would." She's here again. Does this girl appear every time her name is mentioned? Tedros thought.

"Oh. How long have you been here?" Chaddick hesitated, looking at her weirdly.

"Been outside the door since the conversation started. I only didn't come in because I heard my name." Agatha responded, not bothered by the stares she was getting when she turned around. "Why are you all staring? Go back to what you're saying about me, I'm leaving."

"N-no," Chaddick cleared his throat, "Agatha, Tedros wants to ask you something." He said, pushing Tedros forward and making Agatha turn around again.

"What?" She snapped, irritated at the fact they all seemed to be acting weirdly, and couldn't just spit out whatever they wanted to say.

"Uh, uh. Chaddick." Tedros inhaled, "Fuck you." He slapped Chaddick in the arm, hard, marking the older Everboy clutch his arm and mouth 'ow'.

"Listen, Agatha, um... do, do you want to, uh, go to the ball with me?" Tedros stuttered, a sudden wave of fear washing over him. Why was he so scared?

"Aren't you meant to ask at the Circus?" Agatha asked, not at all phased by what he'd just said. Inside, however, she was utterly confused.

"Well, yes, but you were here now and I didn't know if you'd be at the Circus." Tedros explained.

"Tedros of course I'm going to be at the Circus, I'm competing in it for God's sake. Also, I called you a stuck up cocky bastard like... yesterday. Why did you ask me? Your friends too scared to try it themselves, 'cause I'm a witch?" She said, having heard what they'd said earlier.

"Uh, no, I just... didn't have anyone to ask but everyone else did..." Tedros responded.

"Ah, so I'm a last resort? Good to know." Agatha raised her brows, and he faltered.

"No-no, uh, it's just... uh."

"It's fine, I don't really care." Agatha started walking out without giving him an answer.

"Wait! Will you, or not?" The blond prince called after her.

"Again, you're meant to ask at the Circus so... we'll see." She replied, not turning back.


The day was upon the schools. The Circus of Talents. And for the Evers, the Snow Ball, the next day.

Agatha woke up in a bad mood. This bloody Circus was so stupid. She didn't even have a talent!

Tedros had been pestering her every chance he got the last few days, so much so that she was tempted to say no. But she couldn't, or she'd fail, and if she failed, she'd never get home. She hadn't seen Sophie in a week, and there was an anxiety stuck in the pit of her stomach that she couldn't get rid of.

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