The Witch's New Look (relates to 'What About Us?')

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Chaddick stared at the spot where Agatha had previously stood, then turned to Nicholas.

"Mate... what the fuck was that." Nick said, his eyes wide.

"I don't fucking know but it was weird." Chaddick replied, before seeing Tedros come from the same way Agatha had left.

"The bloody hell was that? What happened in Dovey's classroom, she stayed after class then... came out looking..." Tedros stuttered, confused.

"Not ugly?" Chaddick suggested.

"No, more than that... almost... beautiful. Like she was never ugly in the first place, like she'd just never had the right expression, since she was always frowning, but now she's smiling she- she's happy. Confident, I dare say. Like she's comfortable now, and her features kind of... fit." The prince of Camelot said, meeting Chaddick's eyes.

"Ooh, someone's payed close attention." Chaddick smirked, shoving Tedros lightly in the shoulder. Tedros shook his head, dismissing anything like that immediately.

"No, I- I just notice, I guess."

"Tedros Pendragon, noticing something? Actually having sense for once? Oh, Nick, catch me, I'm gonna faint." Chaddick feigned being light-headed, and playfully fell into Nicholas' arms, both the Everboys laughing their asses off, "Nah man, I think there's some shit you're not thinking about. Or things you haven't realised yet." Chaddick snorted, a mischievous gleam sparking in his eye, and Tedros punched him in the arm.

Tedros turned around and dragged his two friends with him to their shared dorm. He practically kicked them inside and pushed them onto the middle bed, which belonged to Nicholas. "Seriously, what happened? She's not ugly, and she's smiling for God's sake." He ranted, turning to the two boys on the edge of the bed. He gasped, "What about the ball? She'll fail, and I know we all don't like her but surely we can't be responsible for her failing, that's like murdering her ourselves, her blood'll be on our hands," he paced, and the other Everboys gave him a curious look, "Chaddick, I know you said about the... two boys thing but did you mean it? Cuz then she'll fail. Shit, what do we do?"


Chaddick stared at his friend. What had happened? Why did he suddenly care about Agatha? Was it because she saved him in the Trial? Surely he'd thank her, and owe her whatever, but he seemed genuinely worried for her. "Ted, what's up with you? Sure, she saved you in the Trial, but why are you so panicked?" Chaddick asked his still pacing friend.

Tedros turned to him, "Because, Chad, I owe her. She saved me, and being the reason she dies is the worst way to repay her." He said, resuming his pacing.

"Well I don't see how that would be a problem. I saved your life, sure, but I don't really care what happens next. And don't think that means you're off the hook, you still owe me." A voice came from the door.

The door that Tedros had forgotten to close.


Agatha stood against the doorframe, carrying her books under her left arm. "What is this, a meeting?" She scoffed, starting to walk away. Tedros ran towards her and grabbed her wrist. She gaped at him and yanked it away.

"Wait, please, I need to talk to you." He said, twisting to bar the door so she couldn't leave. Agatha raised an eyebrow at him, and he looked at her awkwardly.

Chaddick and Nicholas were snickering on the bed, so he decided against talking in the room. "Actually, can we walk and talk?" 


"Ok, uh..." Tedros stepped out of the room, moving aside to let her through.

Agatha shoved through the door, annoyed he was making her walk, despite her agreeing to it. 

"What do you want, Tedros?" She drawled after a while, turning to face him.

"Uh, I w- wanted to, um, thank you." He stuttered. Why was he stuttering?

"For what?" Agatha asked, but they both knew what he was thanking her for.

"Saving my life. You didn't have to, but- but you did. Thank you for that." Tedros said, gaining confidence.

"Well, Sophie wouldn't've. She was complaining about being naked and 'the prince saves the princess, not the other way 'round', so I kinda had to. Like... probably would've been killed m'self if I didn't. By... Beatrix... Chaddick, Nicholas, Tristan, Sophie, the list just goes on." She justified, making sure he didn't think it meant anything.

"Oh, so you admit I'm popular?" He quipped, getting cocky.

"No, I admit you're a stuck-up, cocky arsehole who can't get enough of himself. And apparently, either can his little minions." Agatha sneered, and suddenly Tedros felt small.

"I don't have minions, I'm not a Never." He mumbled, and she gave him a look.

"Apparently, the future of Camelot is a biased jerk too." She spat, looking him dead in the eyes. Tedros didn't know why she was acting this way, she'd never been this rude to him before. Sure, she'd punched him in the face, but now it's just insults that aren't necessary. And there was a tired look in her eyes that he didn't like. 

"Hey, uh, sorry, if you know, I'm uh, overstepping, but um, are you okay?" He asked, moving slightly closer to her and watching her flinch and move back.

"I'm fine, Tedros. Why would you care anyway?" She snapped. Always so blunt, she was. He liked that about her.

Wait, what? No, no he didn't.

"It's just, you saved my life, so I kind of feel like I have to care. But I also... genuinely do because... well I don't really know why. And you've got this look in your eyes. Like... the shine that was in them earlier just... disappeared." He stuttered, at loss for words.

"Yeah well, I got a reality check." Agatha folder her arms across her breasts, and Tedros could sense something was wrong, something more than a 'reality check'. Something that made him want to pull her into a hug and never let go. He wanted to let her cry on his shoulder, to let all her pain out. Something was bothering her, and he was going to find out.

But first, he had to find her a date to the Snow Ball.

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