Chapter Two

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*They had just escaped the Spanish now a loud thud came from the bottom of the boat*
(1518 words)

A voice was heard saying shit in a forigen accent.

Ed grabbed a lattern leaned over the boat and shined it on what had seemed to be a woman.

"Hello?" Ed said.

"Hola" said a voice "Sorry I fucking swore I had run into a lighthouse I must be seeing shit I haven't ate in atleast a week. "

A ladder was brought down and as the woman thanked the group in Spanish over and over again and talked about how she swore she was going to die.

She got on the boat, standing up tall with her hands on her hips. She was a tall slender woman with a black skirt going down to her feet a black shirt which showed her neck line and a brown and red corset with necklaces to match. A knife and gun was strapped to a belt that she wore just under the corset.

She had brown hair which flowed down to her back with large brown eyes, her lips were dry and it had looked like she'd been drinking sea water.

"Oh, my names Gabriella by the way. I should of said that earlier."

The crew started to introduce themselves except for Izzy who just sat to the side of the boat not uttering a word.

"Welcome aboard! " exclaimed Stede

The small man had stood up

"She's not fucking staying right? We've got enough fucking useless twats on this ship and we don't need another"

"Siempre son los cortos" Gabriella muttered to herself, with Jim letting out a slight laugh

"What the fuck did you just say." Izzy asked knowing it'd been rude but not sure what she actually had said.

"Of course you don't even know basic Spanish" She sighed

"Well so how'd you end up on a dingy?" Stede asked trying to break up the argument that was about to unload.

"Ah its a long story but I captined a ship and they had m-"

She tried to finish but was inturupted by Izzy

"Of course you got fucking mutinied-"

She had now cut him off.

"Anyways as I was saying before you cut me off. Yes I was mutinied but not because I was bad. I would dress as a man since its the sea it's a 'man's' lifestyle. The seas all I've known I've got to find a way to live. Pretty shit rule if you ask me. And one had walked in while I was dressed in this outfit." She pointed to the clothes she had on. "I had missed my little outfits so I'd try them on. Anyway long story short they all kicked me off because women are apparently bad luck. I was on that ship 3 months nothing bad had happened. Pathetic if you ask me I don't understand mens rules when it comes to women, I assume there scared to get beaten by something that can already do so much more than them.

"Honestly it's always the simple men who think they have more power than women, my crew exactly, glad to be off there ship anyway the English will have them in under a week" she finished.

"Well that's horrible" Stede started. "We would love to have you aboard, I understand its a bit forward but I'm sure we'd love to have you along you'd fit in well"

"Well I'd love to especially now I have nowhere to go. Only if it's not to much trouble, I promise you I don't take up much space."

"Fuck off"

"What" The crew said while looking at Izzy who was extremely angry.

"I said fuck off. We don't need another one of what we already had, that woman looks like she's never touched a sword, how she got mistaken for a man I could never know."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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