Only the Start

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I rewrite and fixed this part and about to do the others and continue this story.

The sun was peeking over the trees around, making the fog glow with light. There was a herd of deers that passed. Overhead was a flock of lots of small black birds that moved together making cool shapes. Dipper was walking with his sister off the bus with there luggage. He smiled as he smelt the chilly, Gravity Falls pine air. But, quickly went to a emotionless face as he saw people again.

Dipper after the events that happened 3 years ago, they returned home and when Dipper explained the story of what happened during their summer. They called him crazy for it. The worse thing was that Mable joined in on it to. Each day he tried to explain things to people but, they never believe him after Mable told them a "real" story of what happened to them to make it seem that he lied.

From that he was kept away from any books other than school books they didn't want school to "influence" him with any more crazy things, so they home schooled him. After a week when that happened Mabel distanced herself from him so she could do anything she wanted. Especially spreading more lies about him making him a low life. From then he stopped showing feelings after the first few months but after two years after coming back stopped feeling at all.

Dipper : POV
Getting off the bus at where we get off in Gravity falls Mabel yells at me to get her bags as she gets off the bus. I grabbed my single bag while I gab her two suitcases. I still have my pine tree hat as it was the only thing personal I was able to keep good. I was wearing a simple orange shirt and jeans as I couldn't keep anything unique. As I walked off the bus with the stuff I saw my Gruncles walk up to us. Mabel immediately ran up to hug them.

" Come on hurry up let's go to the shack." Mabel kept talking as they just turned around and left, leaving me there.

"I am always alone, why me what did I ever do wrong." I thought. It was normal by now so I just sighed and walked by myself. By the time I got back to the Mystery shack it was the same from when we left. With that hanging S.

I walk in nobody noticed me so I just dropped off mine and Mabel's stuff in our bedrooms. Hearing that we had separate bedrooms from Mabel and my gruncles talking from the living room. So after unpacking my stuff I grabbed my journal and bag with only a book and a few pens and pencils left inside and went out of the shack without a word said. I went to the woods just to finally relax after all these years.

I walked, my mind in another place and I just allowed my body to take me somewhere. By the time I got out of my head I was in front of bill's statue. "Why did I end up here" I spoke out loud. I looked at the statue it had some patches of moss on it and some cracks in the stone.

" Well mind as well stay here. Since nobody noticed that I was even in this town" I spoke to myself as I didn't think Bill could hear me. I moved up to the statue and sit in front of it facing away from it. It had a warm but chilled feeling that ran down my spine. I shug it off.

Turn my head to face the statue.
"Hey Bill. I wonder if anyone ever visits you after the accident."

In my head I thought, "For me after that incident I stopped being noticed " I stand up turned around to face bill and my hand on the triangle above the eye.

" You are correct. Life is an illusion." I patted the pointed tip on top. Then I just turned around and walked to the Mystery shack.

Bill's : POV
I was floating in the darkness after thinking some decisions I have made waiting to be summoned. I saw a brunette haired boy with a emotionless face walk up to me.

" Well mind as well stay here. Since nobody noticed that I was even in this town" he mumbled.
Then he just turns around and sits in front of me. I was confused why would a boy just comes up and sits. Then he starts talking again out loud.

"Hey Bill. I wonder if anyone ever visits you after the accident." I don't know who this kid is but why is he next to me if he knows who I am. I read his thoughts to see a reason.

"For me after that incident I stopped being noticed " Before I could think he turned around and put his hand on my stone statue.

" You are correct. Life is an illusion."

He said in a peaceful way it made me fear something. After he said that he left back the way he came.

"Who was he. That isn't normal for someone to say. Especially to me but, at least he realizes this world." I tried to imagine him again and realized who he was.


Why him what happened for him to be like that. I somehow felt sad for my worst enemy. MY WORST ENEMY! I don't know why but I felt like I need to watch him. But, he is my enemy. After some arguing with myself. I decided to follow him.

I followed him back to that old shack."That hasn't never changed" I walk in floating beside pinetree.

" Hi" Pinetree put on a fake smile I was surprised that he did that. Then there was yelling almost instantly after that.

" Dipper get the kitchen cleaned up and vacuum and sweep the floors" It was by shooting star. I thought she loved him.

" Mabel I am not a servant and I just got back from the woods" Pinetree had a hint of anger but didn't show it he stayed calm. All of a sudden sixer went up to Pinetree and yelled at him saying,"NOW before I make you do more than just this now" Pinetree went back emotionless on his face and even in his voice when he said," Yes, sir"

I watched him for the rest of the day watching him work and not speaking another time. Why was he being treated like this. What happened looks like I will be going to his dreams tonight to find out. Why do I care though?

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