Powerful how

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Dipper's : POV
"What do you mean?!"

I yelled so loudly it made Bill nearly to drop me. Lucky he caught me or my throat would hurt more from probably more screaming that would have happened. Bill didn't even look at me before continuing to the bedroom he put me in. I was rubbing my neck by the time he put me in my bed.

"Well are you going to answer me or not"

He just stared I was starting to get worried that I asked something I shouldn't have.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry"

I was starting to tear up . Bill had a worried face on as he stared as I cried and wrapped up in the blankets. He walked out and gently closed the door. I just think he didn't want to be near me while I cried.

Few hours later

Bill has been avoiding me for the last few times I went out of my room to do something. Every time I see him on his couch staring at his hands. I finally had enough courage to go up to him to see what was wrong.

" I am sorry for whatever I did to make you upset. What do you want me to do to make it up."

He grabbed my hands after I finished saying that. He looked at me with a soft worried look.

"No no no don't think this was your fault it wasn't. I was just thinking of something from the other day."

I just stood there I know that it was my fault because I heard those words before multiple times and it was my fault. Bill pulled me into a gentle hug.

"It isn't your fault if anything it was my fault for what happened in your room. So please don't let it think that it was your fault please."

I hug him back because it felt good even after I just remembered the word again. I just won't ask anymore forceful questions anymore and then I won't have someone else hate me if not already.

Few days later

Bill's : POV
It has been a few days and Pinetree has been quiet unless I say something. Don't get me wrong I like quiet but he shouldn't be not talking at all. I think it has something to do with what happened after he asked about the power. I think I should tell him now since it has settled in his body now making it safer.

" Pinetree come here please"

I said it just loud enough for him to hear and not get scared. He comes out of his room that I gave him usually he would clean but I told him not to and I gave him books to read about magic. He comes to me and sits on the couch next to me. He stays quiet like he was expecting something to happen to him.

" Pinetree your not in trouble" He softens up some.

"You are staying quiet about the question you ask correct."

He nods his head slightly and gets a little scared.

" I will answer that question now"

Dipper's : POV
" I will answer that question now"

I calm myself down after thinking that I was going to be in trouble. I finally wanted to speak after four days.

" So then what makes me powerful. I am useless to anyone and everyone and I am weak and don't have any magic"

My voice was a little dry from not using it in a while. Bill looked at me and gave a little smirk.

"That is where you are wrong Pinetree"

I was confused I don't have anything useful about me if I was anything then I would have found it a while ago and would have been broken.

"Pinetree you are nearly as powerful as me."

He paused for a moment. I tilted my head in confusion. What does he mean.

"What I mean is. You are a dream demon like me." He had a smile on his face. Not a evil one a general happy one but that didn't help me at all. I felt me breathing getting faster and my head started to feel light. My eyes blurred as I started to see of why would happen to me if Mabel found out. Not knowing my mind went to the actual time.

"You really are useless. To be what everyone hates is the best way to be that. You are hated." She grabs me by the neck and throws me against the wall and pins me there. She pulls out the gun that we tried to kill Bill with and aimed it at my head. " No one will be missing you " I heard a noise behind here to see all my friends and family. They stood there and started to smile. "See nobody cares if your gone. You mind as well be dead the way Bill was supposed to be." She pulls the trigger and it shot. Darkness enveloped me and those same word kept being said over and over. I tried grabbed my head but couldn't and then I felt nothing.

Bill's : POV
After I said what I said Pinetree stared to look painicked. I quickly went over to him to try to shake him out of it but couldn't. I tried to think of other ways to do it and then I thought of ice water. I snappedy fingers and then a bucket of ice water fell on his head. He was still panicking and the next thought was to enter his mind. I saw what he saw and the thing that were said to him.

I tried running to him but once the gun that sixer tried to pull on me was aim at Pinetree's head I couldn't move. I watch as the trigger was pulled. He knew what it felt like to die. Was my first thought. As he fell down the wall everything was cracking into black.

I seen Pinetree trying to cover his ears from the voices but couldn't we were both frozen. I watched as he gave up on trying to overcome this like his old self. Once he gave into the darkness. No no no you have so much more. I was able to move again. I ran over to him and hugged him tightly. There was one thing I knew that would help him come back as he was too young in his magic to come back. Because what he just saw was a future and he was right there he just died in the future unknowingly. I should have said it sooner to him after teaching him some magic so this wouldn't have happened.

This was my fault now I need to help him. I say the words to the spell even if there would be consequences on me. He deserved it all the way through from all he just went through himself from what I did.

            krad eht ot nellaf sah eno
             rehtegot sluos ruo tup i
                    yad rehtona rof

I watch as flames of gold and blue start surrounding us. I just hope that I got Axolotl's blessings for everything to go correctly.

I will put what the spell said here as I know some people can't read backwards.
One has fallen to the dark
I put our souls together
For another day
Little background on the dying thing. When the soul is fully present with a body and gets killed it will act as a heart attack situation if you have enough will to live you will but if you don't you die. That explains what happened with dipper. Welp have a nice day and have a lovely night.

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