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The song that is written in here I put as a lullaby when it kinda isn't. If you want to listen to it it is named : Dance in the dark by Au Ra

Dipper : POV
When I woke up, I think? I was surrounded with a view of nothing. It was quiet for a little bit before I heard a sound. It was beautiful it sounded like the forest with a light violin. I don't know why but, I started walking towards the music as if in a trance. I didn't see anything for about five minutes until I saw a little blue light. I went up to it and touched it. I felt calm and at peace with it as if another being was caring for me. That didn't last long. A loud screeching put pain in my ears.
I shot up in a bed with blue pinetrees on a white blanket. I looked around to see where I am at. It was a blue room with pine flooring. I seen a door off to the left of me. I sat up, dangling my legs off the bed. I jumped off the bed and pain shot everywhere around my body. I tried crawling I couldn't. It was worse than my sister does for a punishment. I screamed and cried because it hurt to much. Everything was a blur. The last thing I saw was yellow blur and I heard singing and it was soft like a lullaby. The pain went away as it sung and I fell back into the darkness.

Bill's : POV
I was watching TV in my house in the mind space. It was mostly yellow, white, and black, with some wood details. I was comfortable until I heard screaming. I knew exactly what it was from. I teleported directly to Pinetree. He was crying and screaming on the floor curled up. I picked him up in my human form which I chose to be more comfortable for him. I had tanned skin with ruins on my arms, I had my yellow eyes with the slit and I had blonde hair. I was wearing a yellow tail coat with black dress pants.
After I set Pinetree on the bed I sung a song to help him to go back to sleep to reduce the pain as this has a different feel to it.

Shock, shock,
Horror, horror,
If you really thought growing up was easy
All that drama, drama
Make you wanna, wanna
Lock the door and throw the key

Pinetree was trying to stay awake. So I continued singing.

And hind away where your safe
Where your heart doesn't brake
Your afraid
It's ok, it's ok

Pinetree finally closed his eyes but, still in pain.

Everybody afraid of the dark
Afraid of the dark
Dance in the dark
Dance in the dark
Party with your fears
Dance in the dark

Pinetree was pain relieved and sleeping. So I stopped singing. I haven't sang in an actual body so I was out of breath. I laid down in the bed with him. I also wanted to be with him so I can help him. As I knew this is changing him as he was quickly getting his emotions back in his vocal. The last thought before falling into the nothingness. "Or we're going to get hurt."

The next day

Dipper's : POV
When I woke up I felt a heat near my back. I looked to see what it was.

He jumped nearly falling off the bed. I just started laughing. Once he was able to look at me I was still laughing. He just gave a smirk. He waited untiled I stopped laughing which was a few seconds as when I was shocked that I even laughed.

"Would you like something to eat"

I didn't even realized how hungry I was. "when was the last time I ate" Thinking of the time at which I at at.

"Then why don't you get something to eat"

"Ok" I was almost whispering. For one forgeting that he is able to read minds and from my crying at which I don't know when that was.

Bill's : POV
"Ok" Pinetree said quietly. "His voice must be still strained from the screeming and crying"

"Why don't you follow me" I said before walking out hoping he would follow, which he did. We came to my kitchen and I started cooking some pancakes. There was something I needed to add to the pancakes that would tell me how much longer to reach full potential and how powerful. As I couldn't use regular magic to tell. I hope he doesn't notice.
I gave him the plate of pancakes and I added whipped cream on it to. He was spectacle but then he started eating happily and fast. "Let it work"

Dipper's : POV
Bill gave me a plate of pancakes he made. I watched him make them . I looked at them for a few moments and then remembered how hungry I was. I took a bite. It was the best thing  I have tasted. I continued eating until there was no more.
I got out of the chair and started going back to that room I was in. I started walking after a few steps I felt a pain in my chest. I tried to hide the pain and keep walking but couldn't. I stood there bent over clutching my chest. I heard running.  Bill was trying to get to me. He picked me up and started walking to the room he put me in. His face showed some fear as he turned down towards my face. He mumbled something that I don't even know I heard correctly.
"You shouldn't be this powerful yet"

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