Learning together

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Bill's : POV

I open my eyes after the flames die down. I see that Pinetree's shirt was ripped up at the back. I shifted myself around him to look at the rip. I was surprised at what I saw. It was a summing circle like mine except there was a Pinetree where my triangle would be and a triangle where the pinetree on my wheel was. I didn't know that, that was what was going to happen but now I know he will wake up.

With that reinsurance I left his mind not feeling as guilty as I would if I didn't. I felt the cold water on my clothes once I left. I kinda jumped at the change of temperature but then realized what it was. I snapped my fingers and all the water and what ice was left away and also dried my clothes. I snapped again and put Pinetree in some soft blue pinetree pajamas. I gently picked him up and carried him to his room.

I saw that there was a few books on his bed. So I laid him down where there weren't any and snapped my fingers to put those books on the bookshelf I gave him. Then I crawled up into the bed with him and left myself drift off to sleep.

Dipper's : POV
I opened my eyes to the light that filled up the bedroom. I thought I died. What happened yesterday. Then I remembered  everything that happened especially Bill telling me that I was a dream demon. Then I heard some grumbling and I see Bill laying next to me. I wonder what happened to have him lay with me.

" I can tell you. You had a panic attack and that nightmare that you had wasn't a nightmare or a vision"

He said that as he sat up. I had that realization did I actually die. Before I could go into another panic attack Bill pulled me to him and hugged me tightly.

"Yes you did die but I wouldn't let you. So I used a spell on both of us to keep you alive."

I started crying knowing that not that I died actually I wanted that but the fact that Bill saved me. I didn't deserve it though I..

"Stop thinking that."

Bill backed up and put his hands on my shoulders.

"You have every right to live and you are worth everything. As for the spell I soul bounded us so you could live as long as me together. "

I don't know what to say or do. He is sharing his life with me for what. Why?

" I am going to make breakfast and why don't you go take a shower to relax yourself."


I said as I was off the bed and went to my closet to get clothes to wear. Once I get to the bathroom I started to take off my clothes and turn on the shower to the perfect temp. When I looked myself in the mirror I saw ruins all over my body and once I look at my back I saw a summing wheel with a pinetree in the middle of it. I wanted to scream at Bill at this but then he would see me naked and that wouldn't be good so I decided to wait until fully dressed after a shower.

After the shower


I said a little loud as I walked into the kitchen to see french toast made and plated. Bill turns around to me with a bit of confusion on his face. I slapped my face at that.

"Why is the a summing wheel on my back and ruins down my arms."

He said ohh and points to my chair to sit down. I sat down on the seat with the silence telling me that this was going to be a little serious talk. He sat down in his seat at the table elbows on the table and head looking down.

"As I said you are a dream demon also now but be bonded with me makes it so your summoning wheel to be like mine."

He sighed as he looked up at me.

" Me and you share magic through each other now and with that form and feeling are shared to."

He gets up and walks to me with his hand out.

"I will teach you magic and I will help you and you teach me feelings and you help me with them. So will we teach each other the things we need and be friends (or maybe more)..... Do we have a deal?"

He was hesitant on the last part as if he didn't want to say it. I think but I didn't have to think long because we were helping each other equally and not one sided. As I shook his hand gold flames were on my arm and bill's blue flame on his and where the hands held was a beautiful green. I was memorized by the flames. Why haven't I seen the flames as beautiful years ago.

"They are beautiful aren't they."

Bill said as he releases his hand from mine. I got kinda sad by the flames disappearing.

" Don't worry. You will be able to see you own flame soon and good job at making a deal. Now come on let go train your powers."

I followed him with some joy to be able to do magic. Before all that happened I love the thought of magic and how it would change something. Now I will be the one to do it also.

Few weeks later

Bill has been teaching me magic a lot since I don't need as much sleep anymore and I have a lot of energy. I am able to create my own fire, teleporting objects I am still getting use to teleporting myself somewhere, floating, and making objects which is quite easy with my imagination.

I love that Bill was teaching me. From what he has done for me I can't thank him enough because now I am going back to my old personality but once I do something wrong that part of me goes panic or emotionless. After a little while of staying I think I have a crush on Bill from how jittery I get when he gets to close.

Bill's : POV
Pinetree is a quick learner and I was surprised to find out how much more time I could teach him as he is needing lesser and lesser sleep having more time for me to teach him more magic. He teaches me emotions before they come up when we take breaks to eat. I am happy to see him being himself again closely. I feel tingling on my face when he giggles or when I get really close to him. I think this emotion he call is love but I don't want to say anything until I can prove it to myself.

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